1 Sincere heart. ( 167 Ì low the marke, a carting of feed upon the fand, a fowing (jai 6.8. to the tlefh ; he reputes it a bafe and unworthy fervice 1 which terminates inhimfelfe, and not in Chrift, it is an abo- mination to him tò he of their number vaho w %rve their rRom 16.1 S. owne belly, their owne luit of pride, pleafre, or covetot f- neffe, and not Chrift. 5. He that denyes himfelfe, is fo ra- ken up With the thought of C'hrift, with the admiration of s Chrift ; his foule doth to pleat and delight it fclfe in Chril't, that he efteemes Chrifts férvice a Paradife, for tile pleafures of it, a rich lore-houfe, for the treafinres of it, a wall of fire, for the fatty of it, and a high preferment, 1 a tïngalar crowne for the glory which it miniftréth , and this indeed is the fámme of that which our Saviour pro- poled] as an inducement , encouragement , and wages to his f ruants. If any man (faith he) x fcrve me, let him follow me, and where -I am there fhall alto my firvant be ; if any man Lye me him will my father honour. Chrifts fervice is a good mans crowne and comfórt, and therefore he that de- Dyes himfelfe referree all to the glory of God and Chrift ; and this is his glory, joy, and rejoycing, to he the fer- 1 rant of Chrift, to approve bimfclfc to Chrift , by }' having !; hdt converfation notin fdej yWifedsme, but in fimplicity, and in godly finceriti. Laftly,fnceriry, humility, piety and plainnefTe of heart, ac- Sinctre heart. companies and argues felf-denyall in Gods children. He that denyes himfelfe, bath i a fincerehcart,his heart like Chrifts r. coat , is without feame ; he is a true Nathaniel) in whom is no ,guilt; f lf-denyall abhorres and abandons hypocri- Ioh19 z3 fie firm from the heart ,. it puts it felfe upon the aryall ; Ioh.1.47. 2 fearcb we O Lord and try me , if there be any evil) a l Ga l t; 92.3 way within me, and lead me in the way that is everlafting; it fèarcheth it fife, as the Mafter in 9onah fearched the Ionah r. Chip ; if there be any difobedience , any lust , any carnali or finifter refpecc# there , it carts it out, it drownes it in the teares of godly farrow, as the Mailer of the Chip call, 7onab into the fea ; he is very fevere againft fnne , not oncly in others, but chiefly in himfelfe, his owne finne is molt odious in his eye ; as a man is molt fenfible of, and molt xI h.12.7.6