Efficacy of Prayer. Selefeekina perilous. ruption doth abafe ;him in his owne apprehenfion ; pride and Pelf-love have no dominion as long as thefoule is mo- ved tohumiliation by the fight and fence of them. He that abhorres, abafe,s, and humbles himfelfe becaufe his heart is not More humble , is undoubtedly truly humbled ; though his humility want fómeperfection. 5. By mans frequent and fervent prayer to be freed and throsighly puo:¢ed from all pride, felf -love, andfnifier refle r : He cannot be a lover and fervant of time that prayes fee- lingly, fervently,and conftantly agamft his fìnne : IfMofes hands be lifted up the .efenalekites will fall ; If the heart be conftantly lifted up in holy and gracious prayer unto God ; proud lulls and f lf-refveas will fall, prayer will furely bring them downe , and worke the heart to a very humble and gracious frame The Church prayed , and 'Peter was fet free front his fetters, from the fouldiers, and h'erods pri- fon holy and Barnett prayer bath a very forcible operation tó worke the toule to fptrituall freedome from all forts of cliff,' to make it truly fincere and humble, both in the in- ward diftofition, fecret intention, and outward execution ofevery action : Certainly mans prayer is but lip-labour,no cordiali prayer but vaine babling, words of cuftome, or of oflentation, if they make not the heart fincere and hum- ble. Be that knower the,holy, humble, conflañt, and ean- neft way of his heart in fecret prayer with God, may affure himfelfe of his felf-denyall before God. 4.Fcrvemt prayer againft pride and felt. lo, c. Exod, t 7.11. AEI:. c 2.5,7. CHAP, XII>, A S Self=denyali fts a hóly and gracious worke of Gods Self- Peeking Spirit, a lively and honourable cliara&er ofa true Chri- verydangerous. fian, the proftrating of mans felfe and all that he bath un- der Chrift The Peeking and exalting of Chrift above all, 'Q.. is1