Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

82 ;Pro 2Jzo, Ifa q, i o, Mica 6.x4. Self. feek(inE hypocritical/. rattan of Chrift, the Lord threatens `° ernptinefe, to them that intend Chrift and not themfefves, the Lord promifeth fisllnep and fatisfa' ion to their delires ; the foule which applyes it felfe to the creature, difcernes a feeming beau- Ì ty in the creature, and that inflames the foul with love to! it, with lofting after it ; the foule promifeth it felfe great; things from the creature, and therfore is much in the mul- tiplication of the creature; it difcernes a proneneff in the creature to change , and therfore labours much to make it fure ; fuch a man placeth his confidence in the creature, I and yet is very jealous, ledit the creature fhould faite and prove a fandy foundation ; and therefore is he very falli - citons and laborious about the creature, thinker he never ;; beftowes pains and care enough, to make it lure unto him-1 felfe ; but the man who fincerely minds and intends Chrift, fees fach perfedion, talles fuch fweetnef1e , difcetnes fach power and ftability, and meets with and feels fuch a fill- .nefhe of all goodneffe in Chrift, that in Chrift his foulhath afweet acguiefcence, and fifre repofdl, whether he enjoy much or little of the world ; the moreman negledethand ¡ denyeth himfelfe and the creature for Chrift, the more fa- tisfaFtion he findeth in Chrift ; the more a man intends himfelfe and the world, with thenegleét of Chrift,the more vanity, vexation and emptiueffe he finds inhimfelfe, and in x Ecd 4.8. h!s earthly abundance: There is no x end (faith Salomon)of all his labour, neither is his eye fatisfied with richer: Fie(fiends his mont' fir that which is not bread, andhis Wowfir that whichfa- tiefethnot, faith the Prophet. zHypocriric;Il z. Self-feeking makes man fiypocriticall, corrupt and full of finifter and by-refpe is in his profeffion and duties of Religion; the wife of7eroboam comming to the Prophet y = Kiri,t4.5 x diJqu f d her f lfe, and fined her felfe to he another then fhe was ; felf-1 elvers _comming to Chrift, taking upon them the profeflion of Chrift, difÿuife themfelves, and fain them- (elves to be others, then they are ; to be the friends of Chrift, the followers and fervants of Chrift and feckers of the honour ofChrift, when they are theenemies of thrift, zRom. 0.18. followers ofthe world, z ferve their yarn bellies, and feek i their