.baafe of Rehpon. i83 their owne Worldly rofit. and temporali advancement Selfe-feekers make their attendance upon the Lord Jells a meanes to accornplifh their owne carnali purpt.fcs, hkc Ì cunning Anglers they make Religion a bait to cover their hooke, the more readily ,to take the 6fh of force worldly profit, men often gaine that riches and afcend the fteps of that honour, under a pretence of ;odlineflc, which they could never attaine in the way of open profaneneffe ; An- ti-thrift puts on the ' hornes of the Lam", and under pre- tence of being Colitis Vicar, he fets hirnflfe in Chrif}s 3. throne, and as the part of the Dragon ; under colour of feeking the welfare of the Church, he cloth preyupon, and brings ruine to the Church; the Pharifees were great Leif feekers, men of covetous and ambitious fpirits ; they robad widowes houfes, and for a pretence made long prayers;their b Mat 23. T4' whole Religion, who are given to felf-fecking, is altoge- titer corrupt and carnali : Issdas followed Chrtft not for a- ny love to Chriíf, but becaufe he bore the bagg. Man may goe farre in the way of Chrift, and doe much in the worke of Chrift , as long as Chrifis fervice tends to his worldly advantage, having no true love at all to the Lord Jefus; why did the Difciples mentioned by saint fohn- Joh.6 follow Chrift, but becaufe Chrift filled themwith the loaves, earthly gaine is the only load-Bone that draws felf-feekers to the obfervation of religious duties, Hemor and Shiehem, perfwading their fellow Citizens to be circumcifed, drew 'them by an argument taken from their worldly profit, Shall not (fay they) their C Cattell and their fbjtance, and eGen.344s, 'every beaft of theirs be ours, and to this they hearkned and 33:14 were circuincifed. Self- feekers never put themfelves upon the profeflion of godlineiie, but under the promife offorne ' worldly advantage; did they not perfwadethemfelves that forne honour, favour, or other earthly benefit would ther- by accrew unto them theywould never put their foot with itrthelifisof Religion; ,4bitneleoh was kind to Abraham,, not for Abrahams, but for. Souls's fake ; felf-feekers forne- times pretend much kininefl'e to Chrift,-but it is not for 'Ghriíts, but for the worlds fakes they cloake and colour