184 Vncleanneffe of Self-feekingr their earthly purpofes with religious pretences, and this is the cuffed Hypocrífie of feif-feeking, to makeGod,Chrilt, Religion and Chriftian profèßion as fervants and flaves to mans carnali lulls and purpofes, molt fhamefully injuri- ous are all fuch felfe-feekers to the Lord Jefas. ;Follu ing 3. Selfe- Peeking is, a polluting and dfiling evil!, termed dJoh44 by S. games efldultery, Teed arlulterers and a)eltereffes (faith he to fuch feif-féekers) know you not that the love of the world is enmity with Clod, and that he that is a friend of the world is an enemy to God, and it is filed by Mofes a e going a e Nuna,af 3 s. whooring; adultery and whooredome defile the body and felf- feeking defiles the foule ; the !ernes by their covetous praaifes and feif-feking, polluted the Temple, and made Ioh.t. it a Den of theeves, and men by their . felf-fceking pollute their fouls, which fhould be a holy Temple to Gods Spi- rit, this they make a den of theeves, a very cage of un- cleanneffe ; Clehezi fought himfelfe in running after Nao- man for a talent ofhiver and two changesofgarments,and what was the ifluue ofit, a f loathfme leprofieelave unto him: all feif - feekers are in the fight of God as loathfome lepers, felt feeling defiles their senderfiandingwith ignorance,as duff defiles the eyes, difabling them to difcerne the things öf God, the ` )harifees were covetous, and becaufe they fought themfelves,they g derided Ckri1ts Doctrine, with feif-feekers gLu.16x4, the Doc}rine which croffeth their carnali proje,is isrepu ted a Doáirine ofno knowledge ; this defiles the thoughts of men with worldhneffe, injuftice, carnali plots and ima- b +San.asaf -in atians this filled Saul with thouhts to h male David Hel.3.6, 'fall : This filled Haman with thoughts to deftroy all the ierres, throughout the whole Kingdome of AbaJhuersu; this defiles the affetIions of men with bafe feare, carnali confidence, feif-love and fiefluly joy; this made the Rulers iIoh.at.4t afraid to confeffe Chrifc, they were f_lf-feekers, they i lo- ved the praif ofmen more then thepraife of God, and ther- fore did not confcffe Chrift ; this makes men ambitious of a name with men, for this they feeke to perpetuate their memory upon earth, their inke and thought is (faith the Pfalmiii) that their houfes (hall continue for ever, and their faKin. fax,x7