Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

Selfealienates from God, 4 185 their dwelling places to all generations , they call) 1 i 7?! their 'Lands after their owne names ; this makes them l:f.+l 5 ? ;. lean Upon an arme of fiejh , and to trùfl"dome in their per, t 3,z 5 workes , fame in their treafures, fome in their fife- hcod, Café - feekers `ever build their confidence »ipon fife foundations, and calf their fouls into many fhamefull poll.:- tions. q.. Self -feeking alienates the foule of man pram cod, and 4 Alienating, from all interefl in, and communion with Chritl; the men of 1fael followingSheba, alienated themflves fromDavid, they had no part in David; felf-feekers following their own lulls, walking after their owne imaginations, alienate them- felves from God, they have no part in Chrill; a wifatiat goes a whoring from her husband, diffolves the wedlocke, and alienates herfelfe from her husband ; the foule by f:lf- feking goes a, whooring and commits fornication with the creature, and altogether e`'trangeth it felfe from Chrifl; of filch the Lord faith, they are k el/ranged, they are revolted and gone : Self :feekingg alienates a man fromGod in his ten- lcr derftanding ; Self- feekers have no knowledge, They eate up my people (faith the Lord) as bread,there is their felfè- feeking ; they have no ' knowledge, no true, no cleare, no Laving ¡ . knowledge, there is their ignorance of God; this alienates í i 14. man fiom. the thought of god, of Lich the 'Pfelmit faith, God is m not in all hù thoughts, he thinks not of God as of in H' l t o. his Counlellour to ad vife him, as of his rock to build up-' on him, as of his fountaine to replenifh him, as offs King to glorifie him ; this alienates man from the love of god.] If any man ,) love the world, the love of the Father ja not in' n t Ioh,z, t 5, that man ; frein attendance upon the Ordinances of god, the invited guefls in the Parable were f eager in the puifute of the'world that they could not come ; from tailing and relifinrr the /weetneffe of C'hriff in the minillryofthe Word, the fruit ofChrift, the fruit of his Do rive, the f_;it of his death and refurreelion communicated by the Gofpell' are not f feet unto them, as to the Spoilt': in Salomons Song, ant.z. ;. but as lob fometime fiid of Eliphaz his Beech, can that which tv ° unfavoury be eaten without fair, or is there any tafle o yb6,6,y; in