3 1 Self traa.ffers. Self-fervers. z 87 ly vanities, and the {laves of' carnali lulls and affeaions ; the , (Doles unhappy bondage and enthralment is the fruit cf oCco.i. felf-intendments ; all felf-feekers like Ifraed are q empty vines ; 2 F3 they bring forth fruit unto themfelves and not to Chrift ; Such mens fervices are an illegitimate brood,fpurious works begotten by the world, Satan, and the fle(h, and not by the , Spirit of' Chrift : To filch our Saviour faith, ye are ofyour Ioh.8.44' father the Devill, and the leil s of your father yoga will doe : Of 'filch Saint john faith, they are of the world, therefore sleake i Ich 4.5. they of the world ; they have worldly hearts , worldly thoughts, worldly language, and worldly intendments, and all their labours are a worldly fervice : The intendment of man in his undertaking is ever Eatable to mans originali : He that is not ofChrift cannot intend Chrift, nor referre 10114.6. his'erviceunto Chrift. ' We are of' God (faith the llpofile) r I Io he that knoweth God heareth us, he that is not of God_ heareth not us , hereby know we the Spirit of truth and the Spirit of errour. Laftly, this alienates from all trteand z for 11.13. fweet d liehe and joy in Chriff. Self -fekers rejoyce in them- felves, and in the creatures, and not in Chrift ; as the men of Sichem rejoyced in Abimelech, the bramble, and not in the fonnes of 7erubbaal, the Vine, Olive, and Fig-tree, in Jothams parable. e that feekes himfelfe rejoyceth in a very Iud.g._ H empty and unworthy objec4, in the creature which like a bramble, hath neither fruit, nor fhadow to minifter either fatisfa6ion or fafety ; but pricketh, fcratcheth, vexeth all that let their hearts upon it, and he leaves Chrift, who I like a Vine, Olive, and Fig-tree communicates food and(ha- dow, pleafure , contentatton , defence, and tfweet refre(h- I ment to all that come unto him, and place their confidence him :. The Jewes in the Prophet + refufed the waters of f Ifa.s.6 Shiloah, the dct'nce and ayde which God promifed them, and r joyced in Rezin and Remeliahs forme. The man that leeks himfelfe refufcth Chrift, fleighteth and undervalueth j Chrift the fountaine of living waters, from whom Bowes all prote_tion, co nfort, and contentataon to them that (ìn- cerely embrace him and rejoyceth in the creature, which proves a fandy foundation, and a broken cificrne. Of finch the .%