188 Self -f k..iingputs on unlaVefull means. r `v °'o$ 6 53. the Prophet faith , ( they rejoyee in a thing of nought ; in a MAC. z, thingof noflrengrb, of no fulneffe, of no continuance ; He- rod fought himfelfe, the ellablilhment of himfelfe in the kingdorne, and the tydings of Chriffs birth was terrible to him : The Pharifees Were great f lf-feekers , and the pre- fence, preaching, and miracles which Chrift wrought, did very much perplexe and grieve them : Mans inordinate min- ding and intending himfelfe, and worldly riches, honours, or pleafures, deprives him of all delight'and joy in Chrift Jefus. Self - feeking works a very unhappyalienation.from e.hrift , and makes the foule a very great fcranger to Chrift. t.Fullofun. N. Self-feeking puts a Man upon unlanfull and forbidden law,ullmeans. meanesto accompliyh bis corrupt and un*orthy cads: Through felt- feeking the covetous man thrill's himfelfe into unlaw- full wayes of gaine ; the ambitious man into forbidden wayes to attaine honour and high pl ices , and the volup tuoui man into unlawfull wayes of carnali and fie'hly plea- lures ; the covetous man feeking himfelfe and worldly/ wealth, defraudeth, oppreffeth, deceiveth : He intrudes him- felfe upon the time and things which God bath Made fa= cred : He turnes the day of facred reff into a day of bo- dily labour, into a day of treading wine-preffes, bringing in siNth.13 t5 of Jheafes, and bearing u of 6urthens, as fometime Nehemiah taw it in ¡gad,. This arak :s them according toSalomons m Prov so. aS. phrafe , to devoure w holy tli.7gs , things dedicated to the honour, worfhip, and fervice of God : This makes them xMic.6.1 tit: ufe as the Lord fpeabes by the Prophet , the < wicked bal- . lances and the bag of deceirfull weights : For this they are full of violence, fpeake lies, and their tongue is deceitful) in their mouth ; they fah as Amos faith , the righteous for filver and the Poore for a paire ofJboses Self-feeking fets man upon many ungodly, injurious, and dif vonourable praé ifès, to gaine the wealth of the world : This makes the ambi- tious map full of fraudulent and bloudy plots and defignes to exalt himfelfe, and make himfelfe a man of eminency y a,San;;3, and great authority amont} men. Why did yoab murther a Sam . t s. i 4bner ? why did Abfelon fecke to put his owne father from Amos z.6. ti