190 b EccleGq.B, c Prov.17.25, EçcLS.Ia. dPr.*i,7:. &.ccleLas;. e Nunc, t i. 5. Gens. Self -feeler WantsWhat hehatte. fenceof what he doth indeed poffe(fe ; the more he bath, the more his delire of having is increafed. There is no b end(faith Solomon) of all hislaboatr, neither is his de fatisfiedWith riches: His abundance gives no fatisfaioryanfwer to his delìres, he hath no contentment in what he bath, but is full of murmu- ring and repining, he dream es of a condition more happy then that wherein the Lordbath £-.t him, and thereforelofeth: the comfort of his prefent plentifull poffeilion. This is the conflaat and common lot of them that feeke themfelves and not the Lord J cfus, to be llran ers to contentment and fàtis- ifaEtion in the great abundance of the world. A foolilh fonne (faith Solomon) is a c griefe to his father, and bitterneffe to her that bare him ; hi parents have no contentment in him, fisch a foolifh birth, fuch an unhappy poffeflion is the worldly ful- nefle of fellfeekers, a grief: and bitterneffe to their foules, theyhave no fatisfalionwith it, it is a bed of thornes, anda feaft ofgall and gravell, d bread of forrowes, as the Pfalmift termes it : Their dayes (faith Solomon)are forrotves, and their traveli £riefe, theirheart taeth not rdi in the night, they areever difcontented ; theLordgave lfraelManna from Heaven, he fed them with Angels food¡yet having a felf-feeking luft within them, they were not contented, they murmured and fell a lulling after the flefh-pots of Egypt, their Manna seemed to be a e light bread : IfGod cloth not crucifie mans carnali lulls and aff.nLions, man meets with nothing but diflraftion and trouble in thechoifeft conditionunder Heaven, what felicity like that of our firft parents ? being created after Gods Image, . placed in Paradice, and having nothing within or without them, tomoleft them ; yet through feif-feeking having a de- fire to be as Gods, they undervalued, and grew difcontented with their prefent holy, happy, and bleffedeftate. Surely did not the bleffed vifion and fruition ofGod abolifh the luft of felf feeking, manwould in a fhort time be difcontented with Heaven. Like the lapfed Angels he would not long keep his . iftationabut growweary ofthat glorious Kingdomc. CHAP.