Open Bare to evil!counfell,, . CHAP, XIII. 191 7.Attentive to CElf - Peeking opens the eares ofmen to Satan,andcorrupt C eun- evil! couafell. 3, fellors,makes men ready to give audience toSatans fuggeil- ens, and theperfwafions of his inftruments, prone to enter- mine any ungracious counfell that may promote their owne carnali ends, and further the accompliftiment oftheir fleshly and worldly purpofes. This makes men hearken t') corrupt teachers, Satans trumpeters. As the Ifraelites hearkened to f : f Sheba the fonne of Bichri when heblew the trumpet ofRe- beliion, and drew the people fromDavid : This makes men apt to receive him that g comes inhis ownename,with a humane, gJ®h.S.43. carnal!, and deceitful! dolfrine, when like the deafe adder they flop their cares againft him that comes in Gods name, preaching Chrift fincerely, feeking Gods glory, and hand- ling the word of God truly. Self -feekers are of the world, worldly minded, carnally difpofed, and therefore they Beare b him that Jfieaketh of the world, that delivereth a carnali and earthly donne to them. The 1 worldwond<rs after the heal?, all f lf-feekers are very ready to become Anticlrfls followers. Ahab was a man that fold himf:lfe tocommit wickedneff:, =Rev a great felf- feeker, and when the Devil" became .e k lyingfpirit i 1 Kin 1.Z in the mouth ofhis Prophets, hegave them full and teauy au-! dience, followed their counfell though to his utter ruine, contrary to the charge of the true Prophet : Self=feking makes a man a ready embracer, a great admirer of corrupt perfwafion, a prophane defpifr of wholfome admonition ; our firft Parents inclining to fe"f- feeking gave pref tit enter- tainment to Satans counfell, and I eat of the forbidden Tree: Self-feekingmakes the heart to Satans fuggeftions like tinder t Gen,;. to the fire, it kindles without any i<eliftance. fudae having a worldly and f lf-Peking fpirit, his heart was m open toen- tertaine Satan, as ready tobetray Chrift for gaine, as the De- vill was to figgeft the thought, or the Priefts to of1rr the m rah. 13,s. money : Self-feekers are of all others the fitteft fubjeft to receive Satans counfels, to fwallow his hookes when they are baited with fomething futable to 'their owneTufts, and R a tending