192 ( Self-feekng'adafeth man, tending to theirowne ends, there is no powernor poffibility for that man todecline Satans temptations, who is ftron ;1y addifted to felt:feeking. Satan f liome failes of accompli- thing his end, in Inch as are. given to the f eking of,their owne ends. s Servileand a- S. Self feekingdóthexceedinglf Oaf man, it makes man, biG ». the Lord of the creature, -to become the fervant of the crea ture ; It fils him with bafe thouzhts áboat the creature, with bafe cow:felt togaine the creature, with bafeand fervile loue to the creature, with, bafe confidence in the creature,. with bale fervices under; the creature:; Self -fckers are even the Mott bafe of all perlons : Such arc under the creature and their, owne lu!ts,as Ifrael under Pharaohs burthens and taskmafters n Mac,6414k Man by f if -feking fpoiles .himfelfc both ofcorporall and prrituall freedome; therefore thefeare Riled the o fervente of Mammon.Thefervant is not hisown but his Mafters,goes and cornes at his Miters .command, cannot difpofe of himfelfe, but is difpofed by, his Matter, works not forhimf elfebut for his Malter. Thus felf- feekers are not, their owne, but thecrea- tures,goe and come at thecommand of the creature : As the fouldiers in the Gofpell went and carne at the command of Mac.=.a.. the Centurion, and didwhat he would have them Theycan- not difpofe themfelves to any good duty,. they cannot put themflves upon the fervice of Chrift, they cannot marry themfelves unto thrift ; but are altogether at the,difpofallof the creature ; they are fo under the power of the creature, Lwa4,IL; that with the invitedguefis in the Parable, they,cannot ° come, to Chrifi : They cannot intend Chrift, the honourof Chrift, and theeverlafting welfare of their owne foules ; thecreature and . their owne lefts arc . the prime and ultimate :objeftsof their intendments ,; they can looke neither' above nor be- yond thefc r And the Apoftle expreffeth the fhamefull abafe mentof fuch men by terming their pdeli their God, and their glory their fhame; their belly their God, true worthippers put themfelves under God, Rudy how topleafeGod, referre all to to theglory of God Self- feekers proftratc themfclvcs under thecreature, Rudy how topleafe their tufts, and referre all to their ownecorrupt and carnali ends, and that ,wealth that p Phi1,3;r9.,