Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

T94 ( Self- loftnQ. I Roal.6.i4. to W'om ye obey := Selffekersobey not God, but tbemfelves, they contonne not theinfelves to the rules of Gods vi'ord but to the di-L}ates oftheir o vn: }t;ïac ts; th_y pro,)of not the gloryof God, butt heir owne ends, and therefore they f'rve,.I and adore themfIves and not God : Selffeekiug excludes the foule of man,from all conimanion with the trueGod, and carries it to the world as to a fall; God, and foproves a double .abomination in the fight ofGod. Io. Selffeeking as ever attended with Pelf- loofin?. He that io.Self_lofino, feekes himflfand not Chrilt,lofeth bothhimfclf and Chrift He that leeks himfelfe takes a fdp rule to direct him, erreth in his feeking, and therefore lofeth in ftead offinding :. Hebuilds his worke upon afake foundation, and therefore finks in Read of ftanding, like thehoufe built upon the find in the Parable:. He puts himfelfe out of gods fervice, and therefore miffeth his- great Lord and Matters wages : He levels all his arrowes to afall marke, and therefore like an Archer that (hoots below themarke, he (hoots in vaine: He leaves out God, God id not in hi : thoughts, he takes not God with him, he takes not t Pîal.zo.g. Gods counfell to guide him, Godspower to jig him, Gods blefling to make his undertaking profperous and fccefl fitll.;. and therefore in headofa blefling the curie attends and waits upon him : He intends not God, but himfelfe, and therefore God leaves him to himfelfe, toprove the Author and work- man ofhis owne ruine. Prefent felt-feekers and felt-gainers. prove in the event the greateft felf- lofers. The last end and iÍlne never anfwers the expectationof felf-feekers ; their la- bour like the labour of the Oflritch is in vaine : The Oftritch leavethher egges in thedufi,the foot cruJheth them, andthewiMe ujob. 39 z6. breaketh them. Self- feekers lay all theirlabours inthe dull, all their care & defire,all their indultryand endeavour is about the things which are herebelow ; they lay all their egges in theduff, and alI their labours at }aft arc crui :t and brought to. w Gen 16 naught ; Rabe/ had hard labour, but the birth ofher belly proved the death of her body Selfféekershave hard labour,. .they labour like a woman in travel', but their birth proves their death, their gaine turnes to their loffe, their pleafure to their torments their.honour to theirflume. Againft filch the