Self feekers gaine it hie loffe. I Lord denounceth woe inRead of joy, fhame in fi:ead ofglory, and defolatíon in Read of exaltation. , Woe (faith the Lord) xHaba. tohim thatcoveteth anevil] covetoufnef f'e ro hahoufe, that he may 9. fet his nefs on hid h, that he tray bedelivered from thepotter ofevil] : o Thouhaft confultedlhame to thy bottle by cutting of many people, r. andhaft finned ai ainft thy feule : For theßcne ftiall cry out of the wall, and thebeanie out of the timber ]ball anfwer it. Woe to s z him that builaeth aTowne Withblood, and flablifheth a City by iniquity : Behold it it not of the Lordof limits, that the people /halllabour in the very fire, and the peoplefhall weary themfelves for very vanity. Very great and ihamefuli are the loures which wait on felf-feekers ; their riches provestheir poverty, their refuge becomes their ruine, and their exaltation their ihame- full downfall; Very great is that mans unhappineffe who in the prophane neglea of God and Chrift Jefus, labours to fill and furnish himfelfe with earthly abilities : Self - feekersbuild on falle promifes, and feed themflves with deceitful] expe- 1 dations : The Lord turnes their imaginary calme into a tern- petitions ftornìe, their deviled paradife into a troublefome wilderneffe, and their intended crowne into reali fhame. The 1áít event of their undertaking doth ever croffetheir tirft intention; that which is unlawfully fought and gottenpro- veth the infirument ofmans great difcomfort and trouble: He that labours for bin-Safe, and not for God and Chritlt Jefus, is vaine inhis labours , like him that builds on the land, his houle tinketh as fait as he erects it : Like him that weaves a piece ofcloth in cr over the fire, the fireburnes it as faft as he weaves it. Lotte, vexation, fhame and ruine is the recom- pence and tort ion cf kJ-faking :The efiate ofhitn that bath nothing isfarre morepleafant, bleffd and comfortable, thenof him that bath a great abundance by felf-f e' Of Lich the Lordfaith by the Prophet, declaring the vanity, pe- ril], and petnicioufnette of their labours, thy have :' foWne the FIoGg.7. wind, they have laboured in vaine, as he that cafteth forth an empty hand, grives to low but fowes not, and they fhall reape the Whirlewinde ; their harveft, the fruit of their; labours fl-tall be more troublefome then their firft undertakings -; they that willberich (faith the Apofile) theywholebent and incli- R 4 nation! 195 15.