Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

n 4 Scope of the words. Note. Chriftreceivedwith great jay, andentertainethe Lord Iefiu with-very great ioyand Qladnefe. ThebleßedprefenceofChrift in the Gofpell mini' 'ers matter ofvery great rejoycing ;here is fuch a Panne ofheavenly light fhining, fuch aftreame ofconfolations flowing, Pith a flore- houleof fpìrituall treafurelet open, and flch dewes of grace, mercy, and peacediftiliing, that every roan that hath an eyeof wifedome todifcerne Chrift, a hand of faith to lay hold on Chrift, and a heart dime to embrace Chrifts comming in the Gofpell, muff needs fay with thePfalmift, Blefedbehe that commeth in the nameof the Lord. We are blefj"edout of the koule of the Lord. 'I he words are an Acclamation of the people,declaringand ,fetting forth the welcome of. Chrift to all befeeving foules; 'their ioy, and rejoycing, conceived upon the cornming of Chrift among them ; their gr. ituleetian and thanksgiving for Chrifisappropinduation:and comming nigh unto them;their" vote and exoptation of all profperity, blefied and happy fue- 1 cef e toChrist in his kingdom:. Chrifs comming proves matt ! ioyfullto themthat lovingly receiveandentertain him. All true beleevers are holy and hearty welwifhers to the Gofpell and Kingdomeof Chrift Iefus, all manner ofblellìngs attend and wait on the Lord Iefus, in thebumble and gracious un of his ordinances. True Chriftians have fuch experienceofthe be- I. nefirs- and blefiìngs , mercies and comforts flowing from Chrift in the miniftery of his Gofpell, that with great joy; and thanksgiving they cry out.: 73leffed ra hethat commeth!, in the name of the Lord. We havehlefedyou out of the houle of the Lord. . In the. words we have in the generall twothings confide- table : r. A gratulation, uttered by the people, Blelfca be he that commeth in the name ofthe Lord. A Beneditlionpronounced by theMíinifters ofthe Lord, Wehave 6lefed youout ofthe houle ofthe Lord,' In thegratulation, r.the flgent, the people,they blare, they rejoyce, they are thinkfìall for Chrifts canimüny, (plan bath Qreateft caufe of all'creatures to reioyce in andffor th corn- ming ofCJsrift yefus;,' a.there is the 4e ; Blefed, praifed, exal- ted,