z98 SetfeekAsl the attendants, Bondaáement, then the&uit ofthé Olive and the Fig-tree, and above the holy and heavenly inheritance, the bleff:d birth -right of Gods new-borne children : the 'harifees were ÿreat felf- dJohrz, feekers, they d loved the prat of men more then the praife of Gad, they did all their Wcrkes to be fene ofinen ; and as they were great féekers of' thcmiérves, fo they were ftrange un- e Ifa.ç3,z,3, dervaluers of Chrift ; they faro no e beauty nor comelisneffe in hire fir Which they J ould elire him, they defpifèd and e- fteemed him not, they derided his dot-lime, they nourifhed in thernflees a dithonourable opinion of his perfori, they f11at<i3. Paid of him, Is not this the r Carpenter,. /nne, is not his me- aher called Mary, and they Were ofended in visa; they reviled and defpif:d him, by reafon of the externall humility of his perfon, they drew matter of calumniation' from the lownes ofhis outward condition ; filch as judge ofChrift and his or- dinances according to the outward appearance, are ever filled with bale and contemptible apprehen(ions;theCaderines were g 13aí ^8.34- g'great Swine mailers, and like theirSwine they were fall of fwínilh difpofitions, groveling upon the Earth and minding only things earthly, trampling under their feet like Swine the precious things which Chrift did call before them, arid when the uncleane fpirit which Chrift caft out, carried their Swine into the Sea headlong, they defired Chrift, to depart from them; ielffeekers value thebafeft things of the world above thechoifcft thingsof God, they had rather be deprived ofChril}.jdus, thenoftheleaff and loWef} of the creatur: s. z z. Sevenevil t 2,Self-feeking flíortly is a root ofmany unhappy branches, branchesofthis unhappy ro r. 4 íprrng >f manyLitter streams, z. It imlon.ragethmen to their i Imboida, e corrulitand ear: all lulls, Makes them the fwants ofcorrupti- merat, on °aíí: t puts thertr under the 'power and Command of the h Lu. to world, v robs hetrras the e thieves in the Datable did the man travelling betweene ?cricho and 7erufneem, of 'all their fpirituall abilities, it wounds them in their underftandingsj that they cannot fee God; as the Thiliflines put out Samp((ins eves and made a flaveofhim ; it wounds them in their will' that they have no liberty, no inclination, no difpofìtion to' choofe or iinbrace Chrif}; it wounds them in the hand of/ their!