Enmity, Cruelty, catcflef ele4daufies, 199- ;heir faith, that they cannot believe in Chrift, they cannot iu:brace nor lay, hold on , Chriff, it puts them under the creature as a fervant ,under the command ofhis Maher, as an adulterer under the power bftheHarlot. s,Enmity, 2. Self = feeking fil!cth man with enmity againíf his fe1- low brethren ; other mens tucce{fe and'happrncflé, is a Pelf feekers atgui(h. yob, brethren being led by a fe f fee- king fpirit, hated him, becaufe his Father loved him, the increafeoftbeir indignation again!f himwas according to the iucreafe ofhis Fathers love towards him this moved S;ust to envy and eye David, to lay fnares for his life; he t`bat is gi- ven . to flf-feeking is farre from all true love to his fl- low-brethren, their profperity is a great eye-fore unto him. Gùelcy. 3. Self-feeking makes men mercileffe r and crudi, the lives, them who ecclipfe the honour; or hinder, the gain, or difturbe the .pleafure.of f lf- fekers are of no.ePceem with Gsn.27.4a, them. Why did iEfau plot the death of fr4 - f V by did 7ofephs brethren..confpire againft him, andcall him into the pit ? but by reafon of that dominion ,which f lffeeki.ng Tufts had within them. Self.feeking diffulvess theftrongeft bonds and Obligations,of naturall affeAion, and turns ftaternall unity into unnaturallánd mortall enmity. 4. Self-feekingfils men with cauflefje, ba(e and curled ¡ea., ¡Qufaes over others, and makes themwrong interpreters of o- ther mens aftions, and prefurnptuous and injurious expoun- ders of other mens hid and fecret purpofes ; this felf-fee= king lidmade Pharaoh jealcus over the Ifraelites, leaf they fhoaald k joyne With hés enemies, and make''arre againß him: This made Herod jealous of Chriff, fearing leaff Chriff would take his crown and Kingdomfrom him ; what made the chiefPrieffsand Pharifee jealousof C.hrifl,preaching ma- ny heavenly Sermons, and working many, miracles among them; but an ambitious and felf-f-eking Iuftof theirs, they feared leaff therby they fhould loofe their place and Nati- one; Chrift came as a Servant to miniffer to them, to fof- fer for them, to bring them to an'heavenly;Kingdottn, and they out of their .flf-feeking humour fufpeded him, leait by 4. Citifies jea- louGes. h Ex.tap,