Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

404 111'i ng Chriflgloriot[sit prime esdegvotar ofgracioufperfbur. noble principles within, in their inward man, fothey have honourable -ends without, in their external! worke: as their life is originally from :Chrift ; fo their motion is to Chti(}-, he is the prime object of their intendment, as they have their life from him, fa, thy ve unto him:; and this is the honour of the life of £ .Chriftian, to live to Chrif'~. What is the honour of a wives life ? but to .live to her husband, and not to ftrangers : What is the honour of a fervants lift ? but to live to his Maier in the r- faithfull difchargc of his office. And what is the honour of a Chriftians life? but to live to Chrift, and not to his owne corrupt a.ff!dtions ; dou5tleffe every mans life is- .more or leiTe honourable and glorious, as hee lives more or leffe to God and the Lord Jefus -: And thus it ap- peares thattheir life in whom Chrift lives, is of-the lives of all people, the moil excellent and honourable : Their .life is glorious in profperitr, by walking humbly in the midft of their abundance in adverfity, by walking pati- ently in all their fullrings In temptation, by walking beleevingly, refting upon God with a firme and -fore ,confidence,; In oppofitign, by walking couragioufly, hol- ding fait their profeffion of .Chrift jefus In lof;':s, by walking joyfully, knowing they have an abidingfubfîance -in Heaven; In all ettatesand conditions,by walking holilyand circumfpe,5tly,fhining like the light moreand more to:the day ..oftheir petfeédion. C:HA.P. XXIIII. But if their fife in whom ChrifElives, be of all lives the mote honourable and glorious; how cometh it to paffe that fuch people as live this life are often in outward ,appearance ofall others themofó ignominious and difhonou- rabie.