Chri.flians life ii hid, difgraced; I anfwer it focomes to paffe. a. Byreafinofthefecrecyand #iritualityoftheir life : their lifeisahidden life, it is hid with Origin god, faith theApcfile, as the life of the branch in the winter is hidden in the root, and bath little appearance in thebranch ; thus the gloryof a Chriltians life, is hidden in. God, theoutward fplendour andbeauty thereof, many times appeares not ; Beloved (faith S. fohn) now we are the fonnes of God, wehave now a very blefled and glorious life with God ; but it doth not yet appeare what we (hall be, but we know that whenhe (hail appeare we (hall be like him; the flower bath a glorious life furpaflingSalomon in all his royal- ty, yet ilrthe winter, it ishidden under the Earth, but when the vernallSun appeares, then the flower appeares in her beau- ty ; thus when Chrift who is our life Jha11 appeare, then Jhall we appeare with him inglory, though our life be now hidden in obfcurity. 2. This comes to pafl'e thorough' the gnorance ofearwig men; the blind man fees not theglory ofthe Sun, the cárnall man by reafon ofhis fpirituallblindnefle, fees not the glory ofa Chriftians life. Chrift had meat and drinke which the Dif- ciples knew not, the trueChtiftianbath a life, and in that lifean honour, anda-glory which the carnali man difcemes not ; The naturali man (faith S. Paul) receiveth k not the things of the. Spirit of God, they are fooliJhnefre unto him, nei- ther can he know them, becaufe they are f#irituallly difcerned: carnali men thorough their ignorance reputethat the fouleft fhame ofman, which is indeed the choyfeft glory of man ; holineffe the fpeciall workmanfhip of the Spirit of God upon man, the brighteft ftarre finning is the firmament of mans foule, the richeft and moft orient pearle in the Cabinet of mans heart, is looked on, and cenfured -by corrupt and car- nali man, as the only di-fgrace and fhame of man ; lea- king i evil! (as S. `Peter faith) ofthe thingswhich they fancier- Handnot. 3. It fo comesto paff thorough the difgrace and reproach which u cafl upon them that live the life of trace : holinefl'e bath ever beene cumbred with c'the fouleft traducements., Scandalousmouths have ever bee= moti ,fhamefully open a- gainit. 265._ Coules of the ohfcutity of holy life òpe- ned. b Co!., ; i : Io6,1..r,a7 Mat,6; :.Ignorance. k t Cór:z:sq,. 1:Feaz.:z, ;.Rrproach.: