Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

x66 ne o Rcv.y a Corruption reenaininpa, Inmperfe£lion in Godschildren. againft fach as have been moti holy in their converfation ; the bell: rne:a h eve ever had the worn report. Chill} lurpaffed all in holineffe as the Swine the candle in brightuefie, and who ever was equall to him in reproaches, they Lid of him that he was a friend of Ill Publicans andfnncrs, that he bad a Divell,was rnadd, and that by Belzebub the prince of toe Divels he cafl out Divels ; and ChriÍt f ,re-told his Dif- ciples that men should revile them and perfecute them, and fay all ° manner ofevils faying. dTaint them falfly for his fak , It is not fume, but all manner ofevillfaying, which is heaped upon Gods children ; the wayes and workers of godline(le are leaden with innumerable reproaches, as the lima keout o thebottoinlel pit in the Revelation diddarkeu the Sannoand the airre : fo doe the fmoaky scandals of carnall men, whore throate is an open Sepulcher, obfcure and darken the names, perfons and lives of cods fervants ; hee that departs from iniquity making himfelfe a prey, as the Prophet of old fpake, a prey to the thoughts of men fecretly to cerfurc him, a prey to the hands of men to opure(fe him, and a prey to the tongues of men to traduce him, and the ho- nour and glory of the lives of' Gods chldren is much ob- fcured thorough the f,andals which alwayes are at Upon them. 4. This iikewife comes to paffe thorough forte corruption yet remaining in Gods children ; thorough fame failings wherewith they are fometimes over-taken ; though Chrift live in them , yet they are not -to full of life, but that there is forne finne, like a du &ale, or evill hu- mour in a living body , abiding in them, they have an Elan as well as a 7a,scob in their womb:: , fame tares of (inne growing with the wheate of grace in the field of their hearts ; they carry a p picky of im- bred corruption in their flab , and this lul}eth againft the fpirit, againft their regenerate part, as the .H'ma- lekites fought againft 7ofrattah, and fomctimes it (odes them, as they f7metime prevailed over jofhuah ; and as an inward evils .humour famerimes breakes out in- to an open ulcer, fo dud' this hidden and remaining corm p-