corruption, fometimes vent and. chew it Elk in fome open fayling, as in rob, David, 7eremy, `Peter, and the choyfeft of Gods' ferv,ants ; and as. one ulcer doth much obteure the beauty of the face, fo one failing doth much ecciipfc and darken the glory of the conversation of Gods children ; tf a childe of God keepe not hirnfelfe unfot- glam.i.a& ted of the World, ifhee fails but a little, the world will blot and blaze his name all over, if they efpye but a little fpot now and then in him, they will report and pro-. claime him as one that is leprous all over. p. This allo commeth thus to paffe, thorough mens ;.Mif juJging., mss rifon and mif-inrterpretation of the wayer and V'orky of gads children : Their eyes are blood {hots they behold the doings of Gods fervants to a falte glafle, and they appeare unto them in- contrary colours, and as Harnns, fervants mifinterpreted Davids r ,lindneffe, and handled his men as r tt Samae, ties, who were fent as comforters ; thus they, mifnterpret the doings of the righteous and cenfure their knowledge as errour,, their piety as hypocrifie, their zeale as fren- fie, their attendance on Gods ordinances as idlcnef%, their facred meetings as confederacies and combinations,; their workes of' mercy as workes of oftentation and vain- glory ; fuch as are fartheft horn (incerity, and-the gteateft' deceivers, are molt ready to charge, hypocrifie upon o- thers ; fueh as are leaft induftrious to examine their owne (, hearts are usually the fevereft cenfurers of other mens lives, and thus they change the cleare and Chilling day of' a god- ly mans life, into an obfcure and darke night , . calling e- t, Sam,ay.18. vill good, and good evil!, putting light for darkeneffe and darkeneffe for light, as wee. may fee in David, Paul and others. 6. This likewife is fo, by reafon of the tali out-fide of 6 Back out-Gd 'Gods children : They in whom Chrifi lives are for the moll part of low eftate and (lender reputation in the eye of the world, Chrift at firft was borne ofa Virgin, efpou- fed to a Carpenter, her condition no way confoicuous and glorious in the eyes of men, and Chrift is now for the aloft part formed again in the hearts of men, farre from all ;