Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

Liberty by Chri,`t, i a liberty from uneleannefe : As Jordan freed Naaman from s Kin.S. his leprofìe, fo doth Chrift byhis word rfantlifieand cleanfe r lots.1 7.17. the foules of all Weevers ; Hereby Chrift brings liberty from the t'rath of God, and curfe of.the Law, as a furety paying the debt brings liberty to the principali from the prifon, the arreft and fentence of the Judge. Chrift prea- ched in the Gofpell, is the end of the law for righteoufne f fe to all that beleeve in him. As we therefore rejoyce in the light which frees us from darkneife, in the Phyfitian which frees us from difeafes, in the ranfomer which frees us from bondage, in the fürety which frees us from the Serjeants, that they doe not arreft us, from the prifon that it doth not hold us : fo fhould wee rejoyce in the comming of Chrift , bringing manifold , fweet , and comfortable free- dome to us. The Prophet having declared how God bad ,given Chrift for a { Covenant of the people, for a mediator s the people, to effablifh the earth, the cleft living on the earth, to cattle to inherit the defelate heritages, to reftore them 9 to that heavenly inheritance, out of which they were caft by their finne and Satan ; and tofay to the prifoners gee forth , to look them that were bound with'the fetters of their corruption, and captivated by Satan, addeth this as a duty of the people, and a fruit of that freedome which Chrift bath brought unto them. Sing O Heaven, andbejoy- r3 full Oh Earth, breaks. forth into finging O Mountain, for godbath comforted hà people, and wilt have mercy upon his affitled. And thusPh ip preaching Chrift in Samaria, and the devils departing out of many that were poflèffed by them, it is faid there was e great joy in that City: fix- t Aet.8.7,8. rituali freedome from the power of Satan, and our ovine corruption tninifters matter of much and very fweet rejoy- cing. In regard of that heavenl and bleffed vitiory Whichweob- 3Heavenly Mineby the comming of Chq in the rofpell ; the Priefts foun- vi@or» ding the ranimes-hornes, the u wals of Jericho fell, and uloih,6.20. the Ifraelites obtained the vìftory : Gods Minifters crying aloud, and lifting up their voyces like a trumpet. in the preaching ofthe Gofpell, the holds of fin arew cafi doWne, C 2 and