Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

2,68 I Cora. Cods people oflowandaflinedCondition. all externall pomp and glory, God having chofen poore things and bafe things and things which are not, to con- found the things which are, and the poore (faith Chrift) receive the Gofiell, and bleffed is bee that as not offmded in mee, that Both not ftumbie and take off:nee at mee, by reafon of the low andAleiider eftate of them that re- ceive and imbrace me preached in the Gofpell. And the Prophet hath told us long fence that Gods people are an afflicted poore people ; and this Both much obfcure the honourablenefl_ of their life, in the eye of the world, who ufually judge nothing excellent and honourable, but that Which is externally pompous and glorious, as wee fee by experience both in Chrift and his members, ,Mat. 13.55 ¡eb.2,I,2,3,4. loh.7.48,4g. 7. Laftly, thus it likewife commeth to pair; thorough the manifold affliFlions Which attend the righteous ; they in whom Chrift lives are hated of the world, perfecuted by the men of the Earth and purfued with many troubles, walking like the Ifraelites thorough the red Sea of many affliaions, deftitute, afflicted, tormented in Sheepes and Coates-s%imees, in Caves and in' Domes ; Killed all the day long, And accounted as Sheepe for the flanghter, as the Pfalmíft fpeakes, and thefe ofli ions are a great darkning of the glory of their lite in the eyes of the World, as the cloudes darken the Saone in the eyes of men', continuing in it felfe bright and beauti- full. CHAP.