Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

Life of Gods children acheerfull Life, 1.69 CHAP. XXV. jjNOth Chrift live in the feules of Gods children ? then the z. LifeofGods ,0 /lifeofGods children is of all the lives of men, thenso.ff children a ieiyfull andcheerful', the moll pleafant and comfortable. The cheerralllife. Sunne is the joy andcomfort of the world ; Chrift the Sunne ofRighteoufneffe is the glory, joy and comfort of the foulee Themore fully and powerfully Chrift liveth inman,the Brea- ter is the joyofman Chriits commingunto man istydings .of great joy, Behold (laid the Angell) I bring you good ty- .aingr of great ioy, which (hall be unto all people, for unto you to borne this day in the Cityof DavidaSaviour, which H Chrift the Lord. This is great joy for the Author, matter, quality,quan- tity andduration of it : All joy is but heavinefe to the of Chrift living in us, purging our corruptions, pardoning our offinces, fillingus with all heavenly bleflings, and fweet- ly andpowerfully ruling over us : Thecomming ofthe Ark! Sam,4.ç. miniftred fuck joy to 1frael, that they gave afhout, which made theearth to ring ; how much more doth the cornming ofChrift in the Gofpell, and miniftration of fairituall life co Gods choLn, make them joyous and comfortable, wit- tulle the men of Samaria, of' whom it is recorded, th ;t ucon Philipspreaching theGofpell to them, the eja}ion of Satan, and cor,fequently Chrifts. beginning to live within them, there was greatjqy in that City :And all joy and glade:ff` doth A6S 8.8. indeed accompany Chrifts living in man. t. Where Chrift Where cehrilt lives, there is the joy of life, of fpirituall life, of the life of lives is joy of God, a life in refpeft whereof all other life is but death; and 1.1-ife therefore as the Father of the Prodigallfaid to his fervants, bring hither the fatted Calfe and bill it, and let we eat and he Lak'rç merry, for this mySonne was deadand is alive, he was loft and is found. Thus theman inwhomChrift lives, bath great cai.ìfe tobeMerry, becaufe his foule -was dead and is alive, was loft and is found 2. WhereChrift lives,there is ioy of Light. The ''Light. Suniie fils theairewith temporali light ; Chrift fils the foule Y with