Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

270 Manifoldjoyes ofA godly Life. Iwithfpirituall light, with all knowledge and wife.dome, and ípiritaall underftanding : And as the beholding of' the Starre tilled the wife men with exceeding great ioy ; fo doth the (hieing of Chritt into the foule of man fill man with great Mar.zao, j: y and rej ycing. 3.Where Chrilt lives,there is the ioy ofli- 3 L`berry berry ; Chrtft reftoring life to Lazarms fet him, free from the yOtli3.. I L¢4, grave,, and from the fellowship of the dead, his e. es were free t fee, his cares to hear; his tongue ro fPeake, his hands to worke, and his feet to walke ; Chrift living in man m ekes man free from the death of Cane, from carnal! fellow{hip with them that are dead in finne ; he makes in his underlanding to knowGod, in his thoughts tomeditate up- on God, in his memory toremember God, and in his aftfedi- ons to beleeve in God, to love God; and to walke in the Gxód,Ip, wayes of God ; And this liberty miniíters. to the foule as great acaul: ofrejoycing, as ever grim/ conceivedupontheir q.:ViÇtory. freedom from the Egyptians. 4. Where Chrift lives,there is the ioy of vilíory. WhenDavidcarne into the Ifraelitith army he gave them viftory over coliaah andall the ` )hilifiines, they all fled when.Chrift comes into, and lives in the foule of man, he overcomesSatan, he diffolves his workes, he calls that ftrong man out, he fubdues all the corruptions that are in man : They that are Chrifls (faith Saint Paul) have crraci.h feed the fiefb with the afetiions andduffs ; they hare gotten a blefI dand honourable viftory over Satan, themfelves, andthe world a viEtory miniltring to them greater caufeof rejoy- cing, then Ifiael hid, when they gave a (bout for their vi- g.Reget!C iiö dory over the Philißines. S. Where Christ lives,there is the ioy ofregeneration, adoption and fandiflcation, Christ makes us the formes and daughters of God, the friends .and lovers,of God, who - were aliens and enemies to God ;he makes us who were defiled he aboliteth the charmer and (tampof Satan,and engraves the Image ofGod onour foules ; he like a refiners fire, and fullersPope, puts away the fpot and droffeof our finn; purifying and purging usasgold and {fl- yer, that we-may offer to the-Lordstnoffering of rightcoufnefe : And thisafiords'us matter of greater rejoycing thenNauman had upon his being cleanfed fromhis leprofie in Jordan.:.Rc- ioyce AIM