Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

Ch rift the choifef Riches. 211 ioyce not in this (faith Chrifl) that the JJiritrare made fubitEl rento you, but rather reielce in this, that year nacres .,re mitten in I-leasen, that 3 ohave a -name with Cod, that you arc by adoption the children of Cod`, that you are fanc`tified and clearfed from your fames : The workeof holintfie niinifters more joy to Cods fervants, then thegift of working mira- cles ; there is more comfort arifeth from the fubiugationof our corrupt t #fc°Nions, thin from having allthe world put un- der 6.Ridres. us. 6,Where Chrift lives there is the ioy ofriches,hecannot be pcore and n.iferal le that bath thrift living in him, Chrift is unfearchable riches, as Gideon faidofE;hratm, the .gleanings of Ephraim Are betterthen the tintcge ofAbiezer : fo theglea- nings, the fmalldt gatherings of Chrift, are better then the vintage, then the greateft abundance of the world. (brills fpirituall gifts and graces are the choifeft of all riches; all the riches ofthe world are but ftraw aid nubble to this pearle; he that bath this bath caufe of holy gloryiteg & rejoycing inhis wealth, as the Merchant in the Parable had joy upon the fin- dingof the precious pearle : The rich man inSaint Luke ha- ving pulleddowne his banes, budded them greater, and fil- led them with worldly {lore, bid his foule (thtugh upon Luke r weake grounds) eat, drinkeand be merry, becaufe he hadgoods s' enough laid upfor many ycares. The man that hath pulled downe his lu{ts, new built his heart, and received Chrift to live and dwell there, may upon better grounds bid his foule eat,drinkandbe merry; for having Chrift hehath a full and an peace, abiding fubftance,he bath treafure enough for ever. 7. Where Chrift lives, there is the icy ofpeace, reconciliation, and fweet communion ; he bringsus nigh to God, as 7ofeph brought his brethren nigh to Pharaoh ; he makesGod a father and friend to us ;fie caufeth the face of God to thineupon us more com- fortably then Sunne, and filleth us with that peace which paffeth all under(landing, and thus he makes the life of them in whomhe.lives avery fweet and pleafant life, a lifeofchoi- fett comforts, a life fordelights, lurpallìng the lives of rich men, Nobles, 'Conquet'ours, and all pleafure-hunters, as the Paradife doth furpaffe the wilderneffe, and theglorious Sunne therotten glue-worme. But Y 2