E ' Corruptien: Failings. 1- nutyou will fay if their life in whoni Christ lives, be filch a fweet and pleafant, fach a joyous and comfortable life, whence is it that many of them in whom Christ lives, are fa fad and forrowfiill , and of all others many times in out- ward appearance' themoll uncomfortable livers ? Grounds or I anver, the furrowand fadneffeofthen.] in whomChriPt cafe. of f . lives arifekh : row in Gods childr n, ¡ i From the CorrurionWhich yet remains in tl, m:`)ifeafes in t, R< waning thebody though-they doe not deflroy the body,yet they now corruption. and then abate and hinder the comfort ofbodily,life : Clouis in the aire though Theydoe not abolu}t the Simile, yet they hinder thelight of the Sunne, and darken the aire.. Thus cor- ruption in them-that live the life of grace, though they doe not deftroy and abóliih this holy life , yet they many times abate the comfort of it, obfcure and darken ChrifEs living in man , and until' they are overcome and difpelled, they mi- niller occafion of furrowand fadneffe to the foules of Gods children, caufin; them with `fiavid to complaineof them as ofa heavyburthen ; and with `Paul tocryout, O miferable MA a that I am , who /hall deliver me from this body of death,. Wiiere Chrill lives there is joy, becaufe the life ofgracebath there aninchoation ; there is furrow, becaufe Clone bath not yet it's coinpleate diffolution, and perfuc1 bnriall, rfraelhad 'joy in then' vt;}o! y over the land of Canaan ; they had for- row, becaufe fo:ne Canaanite.( yet remained ainonQ them The children of Godhave much joy from their fairituall con quell,, though fomewhat (added by their fleflaly oppofiti- óns. z. ¡liberations, 2, This arifeth from fume particsdar aberrations ofClods chi!. dren, of which they are sometime guilty; fometimes they ftep wide fromGods way, their hearts hang loofe, and cleave not clofe toGod9. Satan gets an advantage again(} them, and. foiles them ; an 1 as fa ne great fill tastes away the fence and comfort of bodily life for the prefenr : rhos -Dods children through fo,aa.e fill doe lofe the comfort of Christ living in them, and are very forrowfall, as aman whof- bones are bro- ken. . This arifeth from force 'violent afjanú of Satan, God lets hmars red it. 5.S aansaf Nola.