Gr ife for othe1 i;Moe. him lookupon them, tobait them for their humiliation for (inne pa(, or for excitation from fecurity for the prefent, or for prevention for the time to come, and while this tempta- tion lafeth, the joyof their fpirituall life is eclipfcd, as the joyof man is darkened, while his houle is befieged; thejoyofaCity is di(urbed,while the liegeagain( it laf}eth; and as the joy of the Merchant in his rich treafure ceafeth, while the violent (home continueth : ThoughGods children have a rich treáfure of grace, a blefled portion of f rcituall wealth within themtyer the joy hereof is much abated for the prefent, by reáfon of Satans violent temptation ; Gods chil- dren through the force and fury of the aflault of Satan, are fomtimes difabled tomake a comfortable ufeof the gifts they have received. 4. Thisatif_th from the finfulnee andtreat impieties which -they T e in others aasonj whom they live. The Lords people have matter of furrow and humiliation mintftred to them , riot onely from their owne finnes, but ali<) from the fins of other people ; tJiey'fee the name of God isd:(c,noured, the Chri- llan prc.feflion is difgrace&, the mouth c f he common ad- vet fary isoperïed; the welfare of the Church is hazarded, the removal' of the Goo)eell is threatened,and many punishments are inflicted, by the exorbitanciesof many livingwithin the Pale of the e hutch, and for this they are much grieved and very deeplyhumbled ; their righteousf rule with Let is vexed' from clay to day with their unlawfull deeds,in Being and hea- ring ; and their eyes with David gush txtt With rivers of -tearer, becatífe men keepnot the Lawof God ; and with the marked ones in .Ezekiel, they fyh and cry for all the abomi- nations which are done in the Family, city, Congregation, and K:ngdome whereof they are members, they arc unwor- thy thename of Chriftians, who furrow not for other teens impieties. 'x. This arifeth from their previfion, preconfideratìon, and foreftght offuture calamities. Noah forefaw the commingof the (loud, and prepared an Arke ; 9`o(epü forefaw the corn- ming of the famine; andaccordingly made preparation; the skilful' Mariners forefee the (larme, and betake them- 1 y 3, (elves 273 i 4.Tmpieti:s of others. Pet.s.8. P(rt9.r;6. Ezek.9.4. Ç. ForcGgh tof suture calami- ties.