Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

274 + Forefight ofevils íT cauf ofprefent grief. urov_2.a.3. !Elves unto the haven ; -The wife man (faith Soiamon)1 ¡ forafeth the evill, andhidethhim;éfe, humbleth himfelfe, ad- drefï':th himfelfe to God,. makes his peace with God, and bides himfelfe with the Lord : Be , crcifiü untome, O god, be merciful1unto tra, (faiththe Pfilrnift)for my !bole trufeth in thee, yea in the fbadon, of thy winó.cwill! hidemy felfe:anti11 theft calamities be overpal He faw the rageof the adverfary againft him, their intendment of evill to him, their confpiracy and determination to take his life from him, he faw the abfence of all humane help to aíìî% him ; and therefore he makes his petition unto God, humbles himfelfe before him ; and as the chickensbetake themfelves to the wingsof the Hen, to hide 'them from the tempe[t, rain; wind, andcold comming.uppn- them : So did thePfalmift betake himfelfe to the Lord, ' to the wifdome, power, truth, and goodnefl°e-of God, as to the wings of proter ion ; the clearerdifcerning men haveof in- cumbent evils, the more effeelually they apply themfelves to Go,h for future refuge ; Mens. ignorance and inconfiderate- Neff.'of future judgements, makes them .obffinate in prefent impieties, taking no notice of the evill of firme, untill the evil! of punill-irnent come upon them The (ample (faith Sa- lomon) paean, andare .punifbed; but good men whofe foules are fanaified, whofe eyes are opened, feethe raineofGods difpteafureafar of in the clouds, andhide themfelves from it. Elijabb, feting a little cloud anfing out of the Sea like a mans Tíing.i s, hand, bid his fervant goe up and fay to e4hab, prepare thy 43 44 charet, and get thee downe that theraine [top thee not, and Ahab rode:and went to yezreed. The childrenof God,difcer- ning the wrath ofGod afar off, when it is bot a little,even in the 6r[t appearance, prepare themfel ves byprayers and tearer, confeflîon, contrition, :and humiliation, and ,make all haft to drawnigh to God,that they.maybefife with the Lord, when the cloudofGods anger (hall raine upon the earth. When 7 Hab. ;.is. heard (faith Habaku.k) thethreatening.). of'theLord,thedread- full judgements, thegreat deftruáion, and grievous defola- tion which God had appointed to bring upon the people, what then ? afftied with the hearing of this csSfy'bely (faith he) trembled, my lips quivered et the voice, rot-' P[;il $7 I.