Criefe for Chrfrchis affiitE iott, 275 rottenne(fe entred into my bones, itnd I trembled inry felfe, that I might refs in the day of trouble,When he commeth tap unto thepeo- ple he;Will invade thewswith his troupes. Here is a declaration of bis great farrow and humiliation at the hearing and fore. feeing of a judgement yet to come ; and here is thereafon why he did it, and the fruit arifing from it, even reff in the day of trouble, fwtet and foreacquiescence in God, gracious and mighty protection under God, when the trouble forcfeene fhould come. e,llthough the fig-tree fall not blofforne, neither hnll fruit be in the vines, the labour of the Olive !hall faite, anda the fields !hallyeeldno meat, the fiocke fhall be cut off' from the fold, and there flail be no heard in the Ails : There is the great defolation and devaftation of the land, all thisnotwithftan- ding the Prophet having humbled himfIfe, is confident of comfort in this great diftreff; :: Yet (faith he) Iwill reioyce in the Lord, Iwillioy in the god of my falvation ; the Lord is my Firength, my helper, mylhield, my comforter ; he flail make my feet like Hinds feet, Andhe willmare me to Walke tip,nmine high places, malting me fecure and fife, comfortable and cheerful] in the day of trouble. l nfained humiliation in the day es of peace minifters great comfort and confidence in thehoureof diftreíle. He that fees the evil] afar off, and is humbled, thall have comfort when the evil' commeth. 6. This arilth from the a'iirefe which gods children fee 6.Sence of upon the Church of Chrif ; they fay not ofthe Church as Cain Churches did of Abel, am Imy brothers, am I the Churches Keeper ? n,z(cry. they anfwer roc the Church complaining inher afgih}ions, as fometimes the Priefis and Elders anfwered yudaa in his anguifli, what ie that to us, fee thou to that ; but Gods chit- M't.57 drenhave a fympathy and fellow- feeling of the troubles of their brethren ; they are not of their number whoare at eafein Amos 6. Sian, eating the Calfes of the'tall, drinking their wine in bowler, &c, but are not grieved fer theaff<iflion of jofeph But they like the members in the body naturali, if one member f rf.:c all the memhcrsuir with it .; weeping with them that weep kieb.13. remembrin; them that are inbonds, as bound'avirh thean, and 'them which fuifer advrfity, as being themfelves in the body. Such is their love to the Church of Chrift, fîieb is tlaoìr de/ire Y 4 afar,