Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

276 (after, and pleafure in the Churches welfare ; filch is their 'eoniunc`tion with the Church, and their ,apprehenfaon of the estate of the Church, that the Churches miferies are their fvrrowes.. I.PuriCy. CharaFferl of Chri,flt livingin Man. TKrity, Ler.31..11. , awn.b. a i. . CHAN XXV It:. 1 THe confideration of Chrift's living in allGods children, may giveaqua occalon to examine our felves, and to get good and cleare evidence of Chrifts living in our foules. This is the crowne and comfort ofa Chriftian-tohave Chrift living in him The more we are afftred ofthis, the more fweet and comfortable will the meditation ofChrift beunto us, and the greater our courage againit all oppofing powers, and the morecheerful' (hall we be in Chrift fervice. And this we(hall difcerne, I. By thepurityof our converfation; The orderof our life without is futable to the root andPrinciple ofour life with- in ; he that hath ahumane foule, and life within him, loth outwardly, walke, fpeake,, and worke as-a man ; he that bath Chrift living in him, converfeth; walketh, worketh, doth all things outwardly as a Chriftian, coiformeth himfelfe to Chrift, is afted, moved and guided by Chrift living in him,. as the body is moved and guided by the foule living in the Came : Chrift living in him, svritrJ .bae Law in hie heart, new moulds, new faíhionsand frames his whole man, and nukes it, futable to the Law, canting bins to be holy inall manner o eonverfat¡on as he thatha:healleel him is holy,tnaki ng him aliveto God, reecivtn;,all his direhion fromGod, to be wholly fub- je unto .Gods will, totallydevoted to Gods fervice, to doe every thing for. God, and to intend God above himfelfe, or any thing elfe;as Chrift in the dayes of his flesh did allaccor dine to the Commzndement his Fathergave him,:. he fought.. not