Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

Invinciblenef fe. 277 not his ownebut his Fathershonour.T hus he in whomChrift lives, makes-Godsword the rule that guides him, he feekes God and not h;mfelfe,..he purifieth himfelfe as Chrifi to purer anditrives what inhim lies, that he may approve himfelf'eto God;by walking-humblyand holy with God:. 2. By mans 4nvincildenefe. He that bath-Chrift living. in him is very vktorious, even asChritt is vi$oriaus, Chritt is a xnvinciblenes. his life, and asChrift is-invincible, fois theiìfe of Chrift in them that are his, tine and Satan may now and then foile them, but can never extinguith the lifeofgrace in them¿be- caufe Christ who liveth in them is ftronger then allthat dotla oppofe them. Te are of God (faithSaint}ohn) endowed with ' lohn44. the life of God, and have overcome, becaufe greater ú he that is inyou then he that isms: the world. Chritt living in his children, is greater thenSatan who lives in carnali men, and therefore they are invincible. We know (faith the fame Apoftic) than ' John Ws. whofoever:s borne ofGod finneth nor, is not tinder the power. of(inne, gives no allowance to finne, makes not a trade of finale but he that is begotten ofGodkeepeth hinmfelfe, and that wicked one toocheth him not, he keepeth bimfelfe that which is proper unto Go' is transferred to the children ofGad, and they are faid to keep themfelves who indeed are kept of God, being kept (as Saint Peter faith) through the power of Cod unto falvation, havingChrift living in them, the whole armourofGodput upon them,the giftsofthe Spirit commu- nicated tothem,giving themfelves to theftudy and praaifeof godlinefh;. and being frequent and fervent in holy and hum-. bic fupplication unto .God, they are kept that theevili one doth not touch them, his temptations are refitted, he cannot extinguifh thelifeofChrift inthent, in all affaults,aftliátionsy temptations, and tryals, they arc more then Conquerours through Chrift loving them, and living in them ; Chrift fu- ftaines them in the delugeofafluietion, as the Ark fi ftained R0m'8"37' Noah in thedeluge of waters : And though they fometimes flip through the infirmity of the flefh, yet they grieve under the burthen of them corruption, they are difpleafed with themfelves, they depart not from the feare of. theLord, they recovcn:and.revive, they prevaile as 5ofhtsahover theAmide- kite i