Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

$78 ;.Prefervation frorntinne and theworld. , Rom.<r. Gal,;, I Ç@r,ó. e.,:idflinencefrom Sin andWorld. kites, they grow flronger anti flronger like thehoufe ofDa- vid, they gee forward like Ifrael in the way to Canaan, from flrength to flrength, until they appetire before the Lod in Sion, they Jbine more andmore, like the1ig'ht unto the day of perfection : The longer Chrift liveth in them,the more perfe- dion of life is miniflred to them. 3. By mansprefervingand keeping himfelfe from fin, andfrom the world. Life preferves the body from putrefactioR, when the life is gone the body putrifies and rots ; but whiles life is flrong and vigorous in the body, the body is frefh and come- ly ; Man without Chrifl doth putriñe and rot in finne, he groWetworfandWorfe ; but Gail} living in man, heispre- ferved from finne, finne doth not reigne over him ; they that are Chrifls have crucified the flefh with the ff.Aions and lulls, their foules are purified by Chrift as the gold by the re- finers fire, and the cloath by the Fullers foape ; they are kept by Chrift as the Garden by the drefl_r, as the boufèby the dweller ; they are purged from finne as theaire is purged from clouds and vapors by the wind and Sun ; they are walked and fanr`lified in the name of the Lord7eftes, and by the Spirit of our god. Chrifl communicates fpirituall health, and heavenly beauty to their foules, he purifies them to bea peculiar people to himflfe, he makes them thine as lights, he will not f::ffr finne to remaine like amortali wound or leathfome ulcer upon them ; but he minifters fpirituall healing to them by the wings of his ordinances outwardly, andof his grace inward - ly. Secondly. they in whom Christ lives are preferved from the world ; life inables man tolift uphis body from the earth, to tread upon it with his foot ; they in whom Christ lives have their converfation in Heaven , they mind the things which are above, where Chrill fitteth at the right hand of God, they frft fceke the kngrdoree of God, and the righteoufncff'e thereof : This is the fountaine after whofe waters they thirst, the Sunne in whofe light they rej yce, the treafure with which they delireto be enriched, the thing which they de- lire fuites with the quality and natureof their life Chrift ruing in them, they chiefly delire the things of Chilli, their heartsand thoughtsare taken off from the world, they prize it