What is contrary to Chrifl expelled. it as a thing which id riot, they undervalue it as dung anddrop in companionofChill, and the things of Chrift ; and they ufe it as if they asfed it not, Like Çideons three hundred men, they lapalittle, but bow not downe to thrfewaters ; Chrift doth marvelioully innoble their difpofition in whom he lives,1 he will not fuffar them to he carnally af.oled, nor worldly minded. The world is crucified to that man in whomChrift liveth. 4. By mans oppugningandexpelling out of himfelfe l%hatfoever 4.E%pulfon of ïs contrary to Chiift, I t is the property of' life to expel' what what is con- is contrary to it, whatfoever Bothoppofe or prejudice it: The trarq to flíi. life of nature labeurs to the utmoft the expuifion of difeafes tending to thediffolution ofnature, and thelife of grace, or Chrift living in man expels what is contrary- to Chrift, and to the life and worke of grace. Such a man is ficke of the leaft (inne, he complaines of it, he ftrives againft ir, the Law of hit mindftrives againft the Lawof his members; as 7acob ftrove agarnft efaas : fo doth the fpirituall part inhim ftrive againft the carnali and flefhlypart ; and as the living fountaine Strives againft, and works out the mud which fais into it, fo doth he that bath Chrift living in him, worke out the vaine thoughts which fall into his mind, and the carnali luftswhich rife in his foule, and isnever at rest untili he bath cleared him- felfe of them ; as Sarahwas at no reft until' fhe had freed her houfe ofthe bond-woman, and her forme. Nothing is fo dif- pleating to him that lives the life of grace as that which dif - pleafeth Chrift, his choifeft care is to keep his heart aclean houfe for Chrift todwell in , and to make his foule theple- nary poffef i:on of Chrift, that Chrift may dwell and reign alone there ; he allowes himfelfe inno (inne,as achafte wife allowes of no orange lover in her heart ; his foule is entire with Chrift, hating what Chrift hateth, loving what Chrift loved] , expelling daily more and more whatfoever doth oppofe Chrifts kingdome withinhim ; he is as impatient of firne in his foule, as of a moate in his eye, as a loyal' Sub- jeat of a traitor in his houfe, as a King of a Lorraine ene- my in his Kingdome, 1f finne doe but once beginne to Chew it felfe, he raifeth all his forces to drive it out, and is