380 What id fietable toChri.,Çí embraced. is at no .peace.untill`he bath emptied himfelfe the` Inmbpcerrêt s, By mans aJxming andtaking to:himfelfe that Which iemof ofwhat fui tes wituE hrift> .%stable ana(beßAgreeing With .ChroJ . Every life drawes unto it felfe that which is moil finable, and molt agreeable there- unto, on that it feeds, with-that it ismaintained >and there- in it delights. Thus he that bath {shrift living in him takes 'untohimfelfe that whichfuitesand agrees with Chrifl,in this he delights, on this his foule feeds :.,s his life is a fpirituall life, fo he drawes to himfelfe fpirita:ilf food, and exercifeth himfclfe in fpirituall duties ; he delires likea new bornebabe the f :nccremile of' the word, as his food, and todwell in the houfe of the Lord, as in the hanquetting houfe of his foule, where theordinances of God areunto him, Asa feaft of ,mar- row andoffatthii1s,andof wines well refined upon theLees: Nothing fo fits and fuites with the foule whereChrifl lives, as the word, andotherordinances of Chriff ; thereforcfuch mendefirethis as their appointed food, pant after this as the -chafed Hart after the water-brooks, and long for it as the dry ground doth thirflfor wafers This is the food whichmain- rtainesthe iifc of grace in their fouler ; this is that wheretn -their life dcl'ghts it felfe as in its proper element;this is fwee- terthen the hony or thehoney-combe ; this is better then thoufandsof gold and filver; he bides it in his heart as good -feed in good ground hefeff:rs it to workeupon him, as fire upon the mettall, purifying him , and working a gracious change withinhim ; he exercifth himfelfe induties ofgod- linefl , he takes upon him Chrifls'yoake, applies himfclfe to Chrifls precept, walks in all the ordinances of Chriil ; he lives not to'hivaf lfe, but to the Lord ; he d qa;hts himfelfe in the meditation of Chalf the doing of Chritts will is his meat and drinke, and thus drawing tohiinfelfe what is moft furable and agreeable, molt plcafant and delightfull unto - Chrift, he makes it manifeft that 'he'hves byChriff living in him. 6.Thrivin by Y 6- By mans feeding, noun:Ain:2;, and ltrengtñening himfelfe ordinances, .by the ordinances of aril?. 1 he diving man in whom is life and health, loth not onely ear, but gathers ffrength byhis eating : The man in whom Chrift lives, clod-met et oncly ufe' the