Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

Surpaffinä fltvéetstereinCl+rïs`i. the rneanes cfgrace, but is petfetied ingrace by them : Many thereare who are frequent in the ufe of Gods ordinances,and yet for want of fpiritu 11 life, and an inward gracious dige- fti\e frcuity; they are as a man in an Atrophy, that eats much, and yet is leane and meager, as if he had eat nothing ; Like the, leane Kine in Pharaohs dreame, that eat up the fart, and ye( were as leane and ill- favoured, as if they had not eaten at all, ofwhom Saint `Taal faith, they are airnayes'learning, andyet , a Tim,;. , never come to the kZnoWled7e of the truth ; but they in whom i Chrift lives,doe thrive by ufe of Gods ordinances ; theygrow z Pee. ;,as, in grace, as a childe by the mothers milk, as a field by the) dew ; they increafe in knowledge, as a Scholler in learning; th.y waxe flrong in faith, as a free in boots ; they grow feri- Rona , 5.t 4, vent in love, as a fire in beateby the multiplicationof Wood they aboundand are full of goodneffe, as a Tree plantedby the waters fide, is greene and ficuriilhing, and full of fruit ; and this is a comfortable argument and evidence-of Chrift living in us, when we thrive by the meanes of grace, and are filled with all thofe fruits of righteoufneffî which are to the praife and glory ofGod in the day ofChrifl J rfus. 7. By'the fweetne fre of Chrift to thefoule of' man. Life is 0 Svveetnç(Te Tweet to the living, Chili is more fweet to them in whom °t route. `° he lives ; honours are Tweet to the ambitious, ple::fares to!, Cu the voluptuous, and wealth to'the covetous ; but Chrift fur- Carnes,;. paflÿth all fweerneffe to them that are true Chriftians : As the Apple tree among the trees of the mod (frith the Spoufe) fo is my Beloved among the fonnes ; I fate donne under hts Jhadoro With treat delight, and his fait Was fweet to my raft. All the fruitsof Chrifls Prophecye, Prieflhood, and Kingdome, his death, refurreftion, and all the benefits of them communica- ted to the Spouf by the Gofpell, on which (he feedeth by faith, to the revivement and refreshing cf her Joule, are very fweet untoher. Chrift is all f,veetneffe to truebeleevers ; the knoweledge of Chrtfb is Tweet to their nndcrftandings, as the light is fweet unto the eye ; the meditation of Chrift is fweet to their imagination, asthe meditation of thehusband is f.veet unto the wife ; the loveofChrift is Tweet unto their ( foules, as the wine is fweet unto thepalate : The word of Chrifti