382 Cant ç.t6. Cant. ç.t;. S.Heavenly ltcace. z King 4, Luke 24.; aj Ier.zo.q. Mat.3, t t. Thewarmingof the bears. Chrifiis fweetnnto theirBares, as a joyful! found, hú month ra fWeet and altoçetherlovely : Thepretence ofChrifi is tweet 'unto-them, as the pretence ofthebridegroomeunto thebride: TheSpoufe affirmes cf him, that his cheekesare asabedofffii_ ces, asfireet flowers,andhis lips like Lillies dropping /»eet myrrh declaring the furpaffing fwectneffe, which beleeving and holy foules doe find in Chriflsmanifefiation pf hitnfelfe, and in the giftsand comforts which he communicates to them by theGofpell. The morecleareand flrong, fwect and comfor-' tableapprehenfions we have of Chrift, the greater is our affu- rance ofChrifls living in us. R.. By the fpirituall Warmth andheavenly heate which man bath within him. Heate is an evidenceof lif., Chrift warmes the foule where he lives ; they that have Chrífi living in them , are not like David in another cafe, having many cloathes and no heate, much meaner of grace and no fpi-itu- all warmth ; they are not like Hofeáh's Cakehalfe baked, nor like the Laodicean Angell neither hot new cold ; but as the flesh of the Shunamites childe waxed warme when the Pro- phet fpread himfelfe upon him : 7bus their hearts in whom Chrift liveth are heated, and warmed by the labour of the 'Prophet, by the Miniflers opening and applying the wordof lifeunto them, their hearts burnt. Within them,with indignation againft finne, with love toGod, and withzeale for God :The word is like fire in their bones, the wholeman is fet in a holy flame, they arebaptized with the Holy -Ghofi and withfire: The Holy-Ghofi like fire enlightening and purging their foules, and warming them with holy and fervent love, ma- king them fervent in prayer, and barning in fpirit ferving the Lord. All' the duties they performe have a facred fire mixed with them, a holy beate put into them, as the facrifice under the Lawwas off-red up with fire Thus their whole f rvice is nodead carkaffewithout fire, but aburnt offring unto the, Lord, they doe all in love to God, and in zeale for God ; holy' men like Eliah, in their hearing, prayer, ineditation,arecar- ried in a fiery chariot ; their religious exercifes kindle a fire, in them, which blamesup their corruption like fiubble, pu- rifies their foules like fìlver, and puts their heart into a very fweet