Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

Chriff highlyvalued. z83 Tweet and gracious temper ; lukewarmneffe is farte from them that are enlivened by Christ jefus Mans deadneffe in the duties of godlineffe argues mans alienation from the life of Chrift ; Mans zeale for Chrift is proportionable to the meafure of life received from Chrilt ; he loth in vaineof 1 fume the name of a .hri&ian, who jrInes not wale to his profeflion :. Tor as to him that defired to know what manner of manBafsll was, there was prefented ina dreame a pillar of fire, with this Motto, talis ellï Bafilirf, fuch aone is Baffi, arad fuch in deed in fome meafure maybe the Motto of every true Chriflian, becaufc he that is enlivenedby Chrift, and bath his wholedependance uponChrift, and gracioufly filled by Chrifts mini&rations, he muff of' neceflity have his thoughts, taken up with Chrift, and,his heart burningwith zeale for Chrift. 9.Chrif} ct 9. By the price which mandohpat uposi Chrift. Life ie valued zed. p At ahighrate, above all therefidue ofmans temporali poffel1- I Ied s.4. ons : The Devill could fay, skin for shin, and all that aman ssam, aß, hathwill he give for hia life, Chrift to them,in whom he lives, is more dare then temporali life ; he is the choife& of all their pofl'eflions ; as the people efteemed David, fo they efteeme Chrift better then all their thoufands, whether, ho- nours, riches, liberty, life, or whatfoever elfe ; he is to them in refpeft of all things elfe, as the Apple Tree among the Trees ofthe wood, as the Prince among the beggars, as the Simile amongthe gloe-wormes,as the jewell among the.droffe: Man that bathChrift living in him, fo prizeth him, that he . will fell all toenjoyhim, as the Merchant did for the preci-. ous pearle,. hewill leaveall to keep communionwith him, as the bride to keepher fellowfhip with the bridegroome;Chrift is to hisapprehenfion the faire& of te6 thoufand, the Para- difewherein he is delighted, the crowne with which he is honoured, and the fountains in whomhisfoule finds all fatis- fdftion.. to o t Care t t o. By mans care to keepe Chrift. Man is very carefull to keep prefetve his life, he contendeth much to inaintaine this, he will pari-with any thing rather then with his life. In like snanner,aman that bath Chri&living in him is very careful! tot