Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

2 8 Rorra.8.38 Feeliira ofChri.4 living in Man. to keep Chrift ; he IA ill endure any hardneffe rather then be deprived of Unrift ; he will h,fe his goods, hiscredit, his I liberty, and his life rather thenCote Chrtff becaufe Chrifi is the lilè ofhis life, Chrìft is the rocke on whomhe builds, the root by whom he lives, the royal! Roabe w;th which he is cloathed, the precious pearle in wh ch lies all his riches, the Paradttè wherein grow all his comforts, the friend in whom he chiefly delightcth, and the F.usbandwith whom his foule is joyned in everlailìng wedlock ; and therefore his grea- tet} care is tokeep Chrifl, he layes hold on Chill}, as the wo- man of Shunem upon the Prophet , and will not be thruft away, as Moab on the Hornes of the Altar, and will rather dye then leave his 1,oldfait on Chrift ; he refAves tobe with Chriti, as /ttai with David,whether in life or in death,what- foever be his etlate : Nothing is fweet and deare tohim as Chritl i , and therefore ifrives by prayer,htaring,conference, meditation, holy and humble walking,and theufe of all holy meanes to keep Chrift, neither Joffe nor gaine, threatnings nor perfwafìgns, peace nor trouble, lifenor death, can worke him toa defertion of Chrift. And in thefe particulars as in fo many lively charaeters may we difcerne the living of Chrift to us. CHAP. XXVII, Car to fee Chrift lrvin in us. AS Chrifl lives in all Gods children , fo let all that profeffe Chrift, and call God Father, fee and dif- cerne Chrift living in them. This is the crowne andl comfort of a Chrittian to have Chrift living in him I ,1 and without this he hath but the naked and empty name of a Chriflian, like an Idoll that hath the name of a Man,-