Feeling ofChrift living inMan. man, and is no man , a name that he lives , and yet is dead : Fede Chrift therefore living in your undcrflan- ding , by prizing. the knowledge of Chrift above all lear- ning, by determining to knów nothing in comparifon of knowing -Chrift, and, him crucified , by learning Chrift as the truth is in him , being filled with the knowledge of his will in all wifedeme and fpirituall ,underflanding : Feele Chrift living in your Will, in making your will :free to chufe and embrace him and the things of God, to intend and will him and the glory of God above eve- ry thing , making his will the rule ofyour will, and fa- 'fhioning and framing you to be a willing people, in and about his worke and fervice : Fede him living in your irnariniltio s, by thinking upon him with more frequen- cy and delight, then of any other thing; by having more high, honourable, and Tweeter apprehenficns of Chriff, then of all the creatures : Feele Chrift living in your af- frdions, by 'being rooted in Chrift by a lively faith ,.-as a Tree in the Earth ; by fearing Chrift above all earthly po- wers , as the Subjea his Soveraigne above all Civili Ru- lers; by loving him , as the Bride the Bridegroome, a- bove all other perfons; by rejoycing in him, as the rich man in his,.jewell above all the refidue of his Subilance: Feele' him living in your members, by circumcil;tig, and preparing your cares to heare with ineekncffe and reve- rence, by returning to your tongues a 'sire language, that your fpeech may miniffer grace to the hearers, by reflrai- ,ning your eyes from beholding vanitie, by difpofìng your hands to worke that which is good, and by 'making your feet fwift to every good duty; as you difcerne your foule living in your humane body, moving all the members to humane fervices , fo difcerne Chrift living in your bodi- ly members, difpofin?, and framing them to religious dít-` ties : Feele Chrift living in all your fervices, as thé chiefe wórker of them , and inabler of you to them , doing all in his name, by his aiiifrance, and for his glory : Fede Chriff living in the `Prayer which you make, praying by the Spirit of Chriff, in the name ofChriff, and for the Z honour a8s