i$6 Sense of Chriji living in-tot very- pr4tious. honour of Chrift : Feele Chrift living in theWord which you heare, making it an immortal' fed to regenerateyou, . a fàcrcd Fire to purge you , a heavenly Light to guide you , and a uaeffage of peace to comfort you Feele Chrilt living in the Sacrament which you receive , ma- ,king it a Ccelefiall Manna feeding you ; a Scale of Righ teoufneffe, affuring you of your J uflifcation ; an obliga- tion binding you to new obedience, and a pledge of Gods unchangeable love towards you All holy Ordi- nances, if Chrift live not in them, (hew not himflfe po- i werfull by, them , are but an empty (hell without ker- 'nell, and a dry breath without milke, miníttring no nou- ri(hment. All the Religious. Duties wee perform:. , if Chrift live not in them, are but a Sacrifice without Fire, a dead Carkaiti, of no efteeme with God : Our affeii- ant, if Chrift live not in us are a charet without wheeles, they fnke and fall unto the earth, thy cannot encline nor move towards the Lord All our belt asilitie,, if Chrift, live not in them , are as ftanding Waters with- out a living Spring, they putrifie, and rot, and prove un- profitable : If Chrift live not in us, our knowledge is ignorance , our wifedome fopliihnefl'e, our faith prefump- tion, our love dif iìnalation, and our obedience no bet- ter then rebellion : If Chrift live not in us, our under- ftandings are blinded, and wee cannot favingly know God ; oar will is inthralled, and wee cannot intend God ; our faith like Jeroboam, arme is withered , and wee cannot lay hold upon the promife of God The whole fufficiencie of- a Chriflian is from. Chrifts living in him. Chrifts living in man, makes him wife in dif- cerning the things of Gol, fìncere -in intending the glo- ry, of Gol , powerfull in withflanding what dotti O- pole him in the wayes'of God, fruitfall in the worke of God , meeke and humble in. fabmitting to the hand. of God , faithfull in keeping the Covenant of God , joyfall in hearing the Word of God , fervent in in- vocation upon the Name of God, patient in waiting for the Comforts of the Lord , contented with . the por- tion