-*MÀNS MISERY .44 RIS VVITHOVT DPEALAC9 r L. finfull, perplexed,difhonoura.- ble, andSoul- deilroyingConditionof Man wi(hout CH x I sr, tending to the driving and drawing of every man out of '" himfelfe unto CHR IS?. *. By Alexander Grofj"e, B D. Minifterof theGofpell,and Paftor of' Bridford near Exon in Devon/hire. 4 Whofoever tranfrefeth,and ahidethnot in theDoUrine ofChri,ft hathnot Clod, 2. Epift. Ioh. ver.9 . Ifyebeleevenotthat Iamhe, ye/halldye in yourfinr,Ioh.8.z4. 34' Ifany man aside not inme he 14 cag forth au a branch, and it rei.. thered, andmengather them andcaf them into thefire, and they are humid. LOKDOK, Printed by G. c`bt. for f ohnBartlet, at the Signe of the Gilt 4 Cup near Saint Au tior Gate. 1 ie'ft *VVyeLviii*