Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

291 ¡(y¡`^i ¡¡(, )¡Ç,)¡¡?s+ j 'f-_ I!- .'4' v: vJlvv J LJ i tl ! 3i i y MISERY MANS W 1 THO óT I' R IS T OPENED. EPHRS 2.I2. Lit thattime ye were without Chriji, being aliensfrom the Common wealth ofIfrad, andfirangers /om the Covenants ofproms f , having no hope and without God in the world. CHAP. I. Shewing mans alienation from C H R z s T, mifery wthout C H R t S T, and (!}teeing the (cope ofthe words. . Dana after his eating the forbidden fruit, was without the Gardencfçden difabled to come to the treeoflifc;man feeding on the forbidden fruit c'f thine, is a f}ranger to the Paradife ofall fpiri- tuall and heavenly comforts, wholy excluded from the true tree of life Chrtft J -fus. There it no fweet and gracious communion between the Lord7efws, and carnall per- Z 4 fans ;