292 Natxrall tflan an Alien to Cbrifi. fans ; Themenofthe old world were without the Arke, and perished in thedeluge of waters men who are in theirold corrupteftate, who havenot put offthat oldmanwhich is cor- rupt accordingto div.ers .lofts, are without. Chrikand (hall certainly perifh in the deluge of their impieties, and the Lordsvengeance ; the frtìitionofChrift is mans, happineffe, mans crowne and comfort ; alienation from Chrift is mans mifery, 'mans flume and the foules great diftra!tion and trou- ble : of all eftates'on Earth mans naturali and corrupt con- dition is molt wretched and miferable, a condition of death without fpirituall life, of darkneffe without divine and hea- venly light, of bondage without Chrillian freedome, c f uncleanenef e without f;n.iification, of e:nptinefh;; with- 1 out all celeftiall fulneff, of alienation without all comforta- í ble communion with Chrift, without all intereff in Chrift land his benefits, without either claime or title to Gods rromtfe., to Heaven or eternal' happineffe, an eftate of ex clufion from all holy and gracious fociety withGods chil- i dren, an eftate of profaneneffe without God, without the knowledge of God, without faith in God , without love to God, and without zeale fer God ; for at that time, in that eftate and condition, We are wishaw C'hrift, being a- ilienr fiom the Common-wealth of lfrael, and firangers fram !the (ovenants of promise, having no hope, andWithout god in the "World. Scope ofthe 7 The Apoftle in thefe words declares and amplifies the Apoitle. miferable and wretched eftate of man, the úncòmfdrrabh: and difhonnurable condition of the foule of man without Chrift, without the knowledge of Chrift , without faith in'Chrift, without incorporation into Chrifi, without par- ticipation of Chrift and his benefits : And this mifery and wretcliedncffe of man, the Apoftle, doth open}, fa forth and amplifie, by a fivefold alienation: 1. An alienation from Chrifl ; at that time yee were without Chriff. Chrift was not preached to you, Chrift was not knowne of you, Chrift was not imbraced, nor beleeved in byyou ; this is the fiefs alienation and the ground of all the eel ; Hoe that it j Batt alien to the Lord tefur ú a Ffrangér to all thing; appertai- 1 niao A Ana Iy¡s. qfold alurta- tion. t. FromChtitt.