w;mi ..0s,0 'aiidwatt dll, g ning to life and happineffe ; mans 'intercft in CFrift gives him inter-eft in Cod and in afl ccd 'things, cf (od : there is no way for man ro come to (- od:and etety l`l happinrfhed!ut, onlyby andthorough Chrift Jefus;theneglc ' of (bruit is t 'lcffe ofall. 2. An alienation from the Common- wealth of Ifracl, from that forme of Religion and divine :worfhip , which Codl had prefcribed to the Ifraelitifb people, they alone at ,that; time having the oracles of God among them Very mije-I rabie and flame-fit/1 is carnali mans ignorance of gods zrcrJlip andfsvice ; the carnali mans adoration is after the rules' of his owne invention, and not according to Gods pre- fcription , being a ftranger both toGods Gofpell and faith-' fiall people. 3. An alienation from the covenants ofprom;/e ; the pro- rnife of the covenant of grace, the promife of re-million of fume by the merit of (brill, and of regeneration and renovation of heart by the efficacy ofChrift, belonged not to them. C.Man remaining nnd,r the pon-er of ccrrstptionre- maines a f ran?er to the promife of Salvation ; the promife of Cods free and gracious wages, belongs onely to Gods holy and gracious labourers; he that regards not Gods corn- 'mandement, bath nothing to doewith the Piomife ofGods cotenant, 4. An alienation from hope, the of hopeeternall life , a hope arifng from faith which they wanted. Carnali mens hopes of eternal/ ha-piricfe are very rotten, fafcahat growndleffé.; no truths, Lut meere fancies and vaine imagnrtions : the eftate of corruption is an eftate of defperarion. 5. Alienation fief?? God, ,rith,ut god, eAthei!fs in the efteerne cf God. hat man kath.not hing.of god in him ;rho doth.not imbrace. Cbrifl as the afghan?. of:his jalvation. E-' very man that lives under the power of profànencfle is a very ftranger toGod in his way and werke of grace and boll- nefle. Fitit of the f-,rft of there alienations, an alienation from ;.Alienation. 1 ' Chæift, At that time jee were withent Chrifl Wherein we .Tempus. have. t. The time or feafon of their alrcnationor ellranee_ ment