Mote. x.Subjelíum Note. Terminus à quo. Time' æf.,Shi iifoV thlib, meet fromChrift ;at thattime, when you were in your Paga- nifine and profanenes, whenyou had not the Oracles ofGod,when youhadnot Chrift preached toyou, when wit fate indaírkne{f . and the iliadowof death,. without light, when you lay dead in fins,without the life of^race,Whenyou walked after your owraetuffs, and the vaine imaginationsof your otVnhearts; thenye were without Chrift : The rime And Aaron ofinans being:Without the Gofpell.andtinder thepower of !oh corrtsptiou is ofalltimes andfeafors the moll unhappy and niiera- ble;it is not the timeofmans trouble & aftlicction,but the,ti:ne ofmans being left under the power ofSatan andhis own lufts, which is mans moft wretched and accurfed time ; it is farre better tobe exercifed with the greateft troubles, and tilled with all fortsofforrowes, then tobe left under the power of. prcfaneneíle to a paradife ofcarnall pleafires ; there is more wrath in beingleft under the dominion ofone finne, then in being put under the burthenof allaffitions. '2. Here is the Sub;eEor parties alienated,ye;the Gentiles be- fore. thecoming of Chrift, and all men before their receiving ofChrift by faith and love,all corrupt and carnal,unregenerate andunfauetified people, ye, without exception, of whatfoe- Ner outward condition or calling. All men abiding under the power oftheir corruption are without ex eotion mif rable no outward prerogativesand priviledgescanexempt raigning profaneneffefrom enfainz; woesand cotes 3. Hare is the ()Neffand terme oftheir alienation,fromwhom. they Were alienated, not from worldly riches, earthly fullneffe,- humanehelps and fleihly comforts, they might have enough ofthefe ; but they we e alienated from Chill, the Sun and the fhield the fountaine and .the treafure ; : the paradif° and the crowne of the fiule ofman : they were without Chr ft; they were without him ecclefiafically and miniflerially, C halt was not preached to them, they had rot the Oracles of ,.iod amongft them, they had not the Minifters of Chrift to tn(trua them ; they were without Chrift miritually and efficiently. Chrift did not enlighten and fin&iiie them Chrift did not communicate hinifclfeunto them, theyhad nothin of Chrift within 'them, and thus are all corrupt and carnali men with- out Chrift,Shewingus, That