flisf.?rntionso f cans alienati:ánfrom Chrift, . --' ï95 That all men in their naturall and corrrépt condition are alte.. poa gether firansers to Chrift 7eine : Carnall men within the i pale of t he t. hutch have Chnl, .Miniffcrialy preached to them in the.outward tnrniflery of his Word, facramentally offered to them in the adminiltraticn. of the Sacraments, and ec- cleJ ßicaly free]: enting the facred Affcmblies, and taking on them the name and prefeffic,n of Chrif} Jèfus ; but, they have not thrill internally,redly and sÿirirr<ally. He loth ;. not dwell within them by faith, he dcth not live`in"their fcules by grace, hedoth not fillthem with his..fullne1k ; he doth not en infer the faving gifts of his Spirit to them. In this refpe8 they ^realtogether fi rangers to t. hi-ill Jefus :,this ' is reprefntcd in the Parable of the faolith Virgins, they had Lamps, but no oyle. C arnall men ptofcffe Chrif}, but they have not Cbrill, they take up the name of Chrift, but n'lae.zp. they have not the oyle, the faving gift and grace ofChrift. ;v;any profcilè Chrift who are neither enlightned nor fan- Flidied by aria; this alienation of man hem Chrift, the S.cripture doth illuflrate by divers-fìmilitudes 1. the fimi- Alienation i litude of a Tree b twice dead and plucked up by, the roots. loftra'red Carnal! man being originally and actually dead in finne, and b rude v. ¿z. participating no more of Chrif} then a tree pluckt up by the roots ;doth partake of the Earth; .by the ' flmilitude of a e withered branch. l'nregenerate man receiving 'no more; c to '5'6' of Ch:rrft, then a withered branch receiveth Joyce and non- rifhment from the tree ; ly the fimilitude of an d empty d Roni.7, 18. !Louie, in an empty honk there is no dweller, no imple- ment in an ungracious foule there dwelleth no aood thing, neither thrift nor any faxing gift dwelleth there; by the fimihtude of an e Adultereffe ; an adultereffe is eflranged , e Iam.4 4. rfróm her husband, her heart is gone after firange levers. 1Çprr,,npt and fanfull :man is alienated fresti 'Chrift; the 1101- -4f3,4 t.f his futile, his heart is gone a .Whooring :after the eeveáttprre, and n any frange ltifls by the fìmilitude of a ,f {lrráypng Sheepe, of raying Sheepe is gone from his Shep- faPet.t.z f. rheas' 3Jáidifeem his .pallures, wandering among firange .fftéksiitr theztitiiitiernalinholy Man goes array from the .Wöstbet, he bath forfaken thrift the Shepheard, and the ordinances