g Iraq% t. 4 h Pal8.3. i ros.1.6. k apt-1.1.43. Illyfratian ofvffansalienation from Chrift. ordinances of Chrift the Nitre of his foule, avániers- in the wildernefre of the world and comes hunfelfe to the ap.mblies either of hereticall, erronious, fuperftitious or profane, perfons, and by, the fit of a a rebel! bell if is,faitefl from,hit lawfaSoveraigne, and either makes himfelfe his owne Xing, or betakes himfelfe unto frame forraine Prince ;,ptofane man rebelleth againft God and magnifies and exalts himfelf, becomes his owne Lord nd çpmmander, andbetakes himfelfe to the Prince ofdarkenefre, the world and 'his owne vile affeeficins,thefe he makes the Soveraignes to whom he vailes and bowes; very various and open, manifeft and fhamefull are corrupt mans _alienations from Chrift Jefus and filch are plainely laid to be eftranged from the a Wombe, and to goe affray foone as they 6e borne : They goe affray from God, like Rebels from their Soveraigne, like fugitive fervants from their Lord and Mauer ; they goe affray from Clara, like wandering {beep: from their Shepheard;and harlots from their husband; they goe affray from the wayof God, like erring travellers andblinde men from their path : the whole way and walke of' carnali perfons is a finfull aberration from God and Chrift Jefus. Reigning profaneneffe diffolves all communion betweene Chrift and the foule of man, Ifa- ny man i Wilke in darknefe and fay that bee hieb fellowlbip With Chlift, that man Li a lyar and there is no truth is him, and the Apoftle teffifies of fuch, that they are A k farre of, farre from the life of Chrift as the dead are farre from the life of nature; farre from thc knowledge of Chrift, as the blind is farre from the fight of the Sun ; farre from fpirituall union with Chrift by faith, as a branch cut Of is farre from naturali conjunctionwith the vine ; farre from the love ofClara, as a harlot is farre from the love ofher husband ; farrefrom the fulneffe ofOra, as a dead meni-1 is farre from the fulneffe of the head ; farre from the feare and obedience of Chrift, as a difobedient fervant is farre from the fearcofhis Mafter;and,far from the fweet and bleffed pretence of Chrift, as exiled eXhrohp;a, was farre from the prefence of his Father David: face a Very great , rersrdah...'