Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

.Dbie liontander Sìn.. / 297 great and uthTpy is the diflance betseon Clirift and all car_ nallperfons..Of fish therefore the Apoftle pronounceth,that they are al ç ts. and erxmic.i by their evill works ; not onely aliens, but alto enemies : Thevery wholeofcorrupt andcat- nail perfons is arioppofition again!} Cód, and the LordJefus The gate of their hearts is Phut againft Ci;rifl, their whole, way a very contradiction of(brill. CHAP. II. Laying dówne foure grcunds of carnall mans flli- cridtion from CtrtJi. rrHe 'Alienation of corrupt and finfull men from Chriíl'is(monftracós J. Nery apparantand manifefl.- ofdaisAlicna- r. I n regard ¡Jointupt and carnall mansplenary and totaliInd- ti on. iec`lion under finne :'The Scripture (faith Paul) bath conclu- 1Gal 33r. ded all finder firme. All men, and all the fervices of men, iii, '.sobjetficin their unregenerate&late, are concluded, dcmonílrated, and ¡ uräer irone. determined by the Scripture to be under Pinne, under the ple- nary poflèflion of finne, as a houle is under thepcfleIan of' the dweller : The whole houle and all the roomcs thereof are pcfliffed and ordered by the dweller ; the whole or cor- ruptand carnall man, all the faculties of his foule, and all the - members of his body arepoffcffed and ordered by finne ; un- der the dominionof finne, as a fervant under the dominionof his Lord, and a dead manunder the dominionofdeath, there- fore Idled the a' Jervantc of corruption, and dead inHunes and ,n t net.z:Tg. trefpaffes. t nder the captivity of finne, as a 6 llave under the n z Tin,.3.o. commend of the C'onquerour, as voluntary llaves borne.un- der, the bondage of'corruption, ignorant of, and defpi(ing iChriftian freedome : Under the love offinne, as an Adulte- o Ier4;3s. rer