Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

298 L'arnallmanuncapableof Chri1l'. rer isunder the love of the harlot. The young man in Salo- Pro r.7. mon was under the powerof the whorifh woman, fe caufed him to yeeld With her ferre .ffcech, and forced him with the flatteringof her lips, and he went after her as an Oxe to the (laughter, and as a Poole to the corre_`tion of the flocks: The corrupt and vicious man is under the power of his lulls, he yeeldeth to them, is led by them, foliowes after them, and fulfils the will of his "bib, as an Adulterer the will of the har- lot ; and alfo under the guilt andcondemnation of (inne, as a guilty, convifted, and condemned malefaFtor is under the fentence of the Law to dye ; and carnali man being thus tinder Finne, he cannot be under Christ ; fiilnefle of fubje- Rion under (inne annihilates Chrifis gracious dominion in the foule of man : The more man applyes himfclfe to his lull, the more he is eflranged from Chrift. He that is the friend and fervant cf finne,is an enemy and oppoferofChrift. The fulneffe of (inne leaves no roomc for Chrift in the heart of meere naturali and corrupt man. 2.11 ncapaio(e- 2. In regard ofcarnall mans uncapablenef fc of Chrifi. The nes of chrift. kingdomeof Jfrrel was uncapable of `David until[ Saul and his houfe was depofed : The foule of man is uncapable of Chrifl, untill fìnne is depofed : There is no letting up of Chrift and his Kingdome, as long as (inne doth beare domi- mïunátoneque nion ;Alexander told Darius that the world was uncapable duos foier,.4jîa of two Sunnes,and iIfia could not endure twoKings : Chrifl: neque duos will not divide his Kingdome with mans corruption, the Reges f:mu1 foule is not at oncecapable of the Kingdome anddominion capereyotefl. ofChrifl, and offinne: If theone reiune the other muff fill, there is nocompetition betweenChrifl and anunregenerate` heart : The Fort of Sion was uncapableof David, untill the blind and lame were removed : Theheart of man is a Fort, uncapable of Chrift, untill the blindnelfe of the underflan-1 ding, and the lameneffe of the affalions are removed, and Caufes ofYh s taken away. Such is theblindnefe of carnall mans underflari- uncapableneße ding, that he is uncapable of the knowledge of Chrift, as) the blinde eye is uncapableof the Sun. The lieht (faith the p Ioh.I. p, Evangelift) fhineth in the darknef fe, ani the darkenfe Y corna.1 prehendeth it not. The Egyptians darknefl'e was fo thickethat ill