Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

Fullof world, empty ofChrifl. 299' it comprehendednot the light which (lined thereupon. Such is the darkeneffcof unregenerate mans underftanding, that it comprehends not the Sun of Righteoufineffe (hieing in the Gofpell : cl The natural!man recciveth not the things of the Spi- q r@or 3. i4 rit of God, for they are foolifhneffe unto him, neither can he know them becaufe they are fpiritually difcerned. The carnali mans heart is fo rwedded to the world, and his luls, rEzek.3;. 3Y,¡ that as a woman jpyned in wedlocke is uncapable of a fe. cond husband, untill her former husband is dead : fo is man' uncapable of Chriff,. he cannot receive Chrift, as thehusband of his foule,. untill his lulls are mortified and put to death :. Such is the t infielity'of corrupt man, that as terodoam could l [ran $ 44 make no ufe of his withered hand, he could neither put it forth, nor pull it in, nomore can carnali man make anyufe of faith, he cannot put it forth to the receiving andembracing of Chriff ;, and becaufe of unbeliefe, when Chril came . amonghis owne, his owne received himnot; and fuch is their r Iohn c.rI. a death in finne, that as the dead are uncapable of the voice of u Cols.IIj. i the living, they heare it not, of the fociety of the living,. they rejoyce not in it, and of all feafts and provifionmade for them by the living, they feed not upon it. Thus are they. uncapable of Chrift, they cannot heare him fpcake to them- in theGofpell, they have no communionnor fellowfhip with him, they feed not upon him :. He is a w hiddenMannaof '"' Rrvaa7. whom they talle not, and a fealedWell of whom theydrinke not :. There is no futableneffe betweene their foules and Chrift, all his Ordinancesare unto them as an empty veffll; they iavingly partake ofnothing of Chrift in them. 3 . In regard of that full pof fe on. which theworld kath taken 3 WorldBach in corrupt andcarnal! man. The Inne where Chrift was borne full rffefìïoni was fo fain, that there wasno room:: for Chrift,but in aman. ß carnali man ger.The hearts ofearthlymen are fo taken up with the world, fo filled with thecreature, that there is no roome for Chril ;. carnali perfons give every worldly bufineíre preheminence . above theLord f efus. The world affoords Christ a very diího- nourable entertainment ;. unholy men are in fuch fudieI ion under the creature that they cannot ferve Chrift : He that ferves the creature cannot have Chrifl for his.Lord and Ma- iler.